Keep Driving

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The car ride away from the beach was so quiet that I was starting to wonder if Ville would ever talk to me again. Leo had made a huge scene at the beach, at least, he would have if other people had been around to see it. I was so worried that Ville would think that something was up with me and Leo. I didn't want him to think that the two of us were still together. Then again, why would he even care if Leo and I were together? It's not like Ville and I are an item or anything.

When we got back to my house Ville stopped the car and said his first words since he threatened Leo at the beach. "I hate to know that he thinks it's okay to talk to you like that. It's entirely disrespectful."

"He can't help himself. He's an idiot when he's drunk," I was surprised to hear myself defending Leo. After all, I was still upset with him for dumping me over a lie he made up himself. The way he acting was disgusting, so why was I trying to validate his actions?

"He could help it if he actually tried." Ville sounded more bitter than I had even imaged he could. "I wish I could do something about this..."

I wished that he could do something about Leo too, but what was he supposed to do? Kill him? Write a sad song about how he wish he could kill him? I doubted that he could do anything to help me at this point. I was basically just waiting for Leo to forget about all of this and leave me alone on his own time. 

"You should just get away from here, get away from that guy, and just get away from it all..." he muttered. I could almost hear a new song being born as he said it.

"I would if I could, but I don't have the cash to leave," I admitted. Besides, I didn't want to run away from my hometown just because an ex-boyfriend was still hurt because of something that didn't even happen.

"You should come with me." Ville didn't say this quickly. It really sounded like he thought this line through. This might have been a spur of the moment thing, but it really felt like he had been thinking about this for a while. 

"Come with you?" I responded much faster than he had before. "What do you mean?" 

"Come with me for the rest of the tour. Give that guy some time to cool off. By the time we get back he might even be sober." 

"That sounds great and all, but I can't just pick up everything and leave to go on tour with a rock star. It just-- I'm not sure that I can do it."

"Why not? You don't have a job, you don't have to pay rent, and you don't have a boyfriend to show you down anymore. Really, what's stopping you?"

What was stopping me? Ville was right about all of those things. I still didn't want to leave because of Leo, but I had always kind of had a crush on Ville... Not that my crush mattered. He was just helping me out because we were friends. Right? I bet that Ville would be able to keep me safe if I was on the road with him. I could have some bliss for a few more weeks. What did I have to lose?

"I'll do it," I said. 

Ville and I hashed out a few more details after our talk. I went inside and started to pack my things. I told my mother what my plans were. Even though she didn't approve, she knew it was best that I get some space to clear my head. She gave me her blessing. Everything is set. I'm leaving tomorrow, so shouldn't I be more excited?

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