The Start of a Razorblade Romance

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I walked into his dressing room, my head was all fuzzy. There was no way that this was actually happening. My heart was pumping out of my chest. All I could do was stand there and look stupidly stunned. All the while what was he doing? Looking gorgeous as usual. There was something different though. He looked much younger. a Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights young. It was great, but the problem still remained, me.

"So, there's this thing I like to do," Ville started. I didn't know if I should feel scared or turned on. "I just want to keep you back here long enough to annoy your boyfriend a little bit. I can tell that he loves you a lot. You know, either that or he's just a jealous git."

I finally found my voice. "Yeah, he does love me a lot...and he is a bit of a git. I can't believe he reacted like that, it's embarrassing. I guess I shouldn't have acted like I was going to get up to something either."

"You probably shouldn't have. I'm not going to do something to someone as deeply in love as you two are. One kiss from me isn't worth ruining a long and healthy relationship." He started walking around the room and scribbling some autographs on random items. Some socks, a shirt, and pictures. He came back around and autographed my hand. "Shame that you are in love though, you are very pretty."

"Oh, but, uh--" I didn't know what to say. Ville thought I was pretty? Ville thought I was pretty! "Don't you have a girlfriend? All, well, like two of the magazines are saying that you're madly in love."

"Oh, that." Ville laughed. "No, I'm not seeing anyone. I'd like to be. Sometimes I try to give up on love, but love never gives up on me. Being tragically in love is a beautiful thing, but it's torture when it's gone. It's nice to see a fan with a love life even when I can't have one."

"Who says you can't have one?" It slipped out before I could stop myself. "I mean...not to've got lots of pretty fans who just absolutely adore you. They're not afraid of falling in love. Or maybe they are. We can't assume. You could be their sweet poison." I face-palmed. Did I really just use a variation of his own lyrics on him?

Either way, I thought I saw a smile forming in the corner of his mouth. "So, are you one of the friends that adore me?"

"Yes." I couldn't stop myself on that one. 

"Ville! What are you doing?" Linde had opened the door and yelled, at least being kind enough to keep his eyes closed as he did it. "There's some Liam out here swearing because you've got his girlfriend in there. You know the company only lets us have our own girlfriends back here, right?"

"Oh, that git," Ville laughed and for some reason so did I. "This girl is my girlfriend too. He just doesn't want to share."

"I am?" I whispered.

"You are." He whispered back.

"For real?" Ville thought about it for a minute. "I didn't want to mention it, but Leo and I have lists... Lists of celebrities that we're allowed to get with and have no consequences... You're on my list."

Ville took another look at me, "For real." 

"That's great that you've got this all settled, but seriously, if you don't hurry up I think Larry's going to break something," Linde gave us his final warning. 

"One more minute Linde, I have to give the girl something." I bit my lip. I still couldn't believe that this wasn't a dream. I checked the clocks to make sure they were on a real time. I checked for all the usual signs, but this seemed to be real life.

Linde left. From outside the door I heard him yell at Leo, "Calm the hell down Lawrence! They're not having sex! And put down that chair!"

"Here you go," Ville scribbled down a phone number. "We're touring America soon. Actually, give me your number. I'll call you when we get in the states, and then you call to tell me where you are. I can't believe that I'm doing this, I can tell this won't end well, but let's give this a shot, uh, girlfriend."

I couldn't breathe as he led me out of the room. I thought my head would feel less fuzzy once I got away from the fumes, but nothing was helping. "Ville..." I wasn't sure what I wanted to say, or even if I wanted to say anything. I just wanted to know that he was still there.

"Don't worry, I'm here. Now go back to your Leo. I'll call when I'm close to you and we'll sort this out. Goodbye, girlfriend." With that he left me with one nervous kiss. Sadly, Leo greeted me with nothing but yells. 

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