Water Wars

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Leo made his way towards Ville and myself quickly. If the water wasn't in his way I'm sure he would have sprinted. He looked anything but happy to see us. I had never seen him so angry, except for when he had thought that I was cheating on him with Ville. Of course, this time he actually saw us together. Even if we weren't having sex beneath the waves, I doubt he was happy to see us hugging in the water either. I was surprised to see that he wasn't yelling already. Maybe he was mentally preparing himself; although, I don't know what he was going to say when he finally got to us. We had offically broken up and gone our separate ways. It was by pure luck that Ville and I were even considering a relationship together now. I doubted that Leo would believe this though.

When Leo got closer I could better see that his eyes were glazed over. Looking back to where he had stood on the beach, several beer bottles were empty, and Leo wasn't with friends. He was drunk, and I had never seen him drunk before. He finally made his way over to us and started talking in slurs. Luckily, he wasn't yelling yet. "What are you doing here with him?" He pointed drunkenly at me, losing his balance in the water. "I thought that nothing happened between you two at the concert."

"Nothing did happen at the concert Leo, you know that." I spoke calmly. The last thing I wanted was for a fight to break out in the water. At the same time, I put some distance between Ville and I. The last thing I wanted was for him to get in trouble because of me.

"If nothing happened at the concert, then why are you here with him now? The concert was a long time ago." Leo swayed with the waves. I worried that he would fall over within seconds.

"We're friends Leo. Friends hang out together."

"We're friends too." Leo started to get louder and slur his speech even more. It was getting hard to understand him. "Why don't we hang out?"

"We're not friends," I said coldly. "You dumped me, remember? You thought I cheated on you." From the corner of my eye I could see that Ville was starting to look uncomfortable. I imaged that he thought it was his fault that we broke up. Which, it kind of was, but I wasn't going to point that out to him.

Leo started to yell now. If there was a crowd on the beach I'm sure we would have been drawing everyone's attention. "IF YOU DIDN'T CHEAT ON ME WITH HIM, THEN WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM NOW INSTEAD OF WITH ME?"

I tried to keep myself calm. I was about to speak softly to him, but Ville spoke before. It wasn't in a sweet voice like his songs were, but instead his voice nearly matched the volume and tone of Leo's. "Get away from here. She didn't cheat on you. She probably would have been better off if she did though. You clearly are pretty deranged if you think that she would have been better off with you when you're screaming at her in a public place!"

Leo stood speechless for a moment. "Let's get out of here," I nearly whispered to Ville. He didn't try to argue it. We started to make our way out of the water when all of a sudden Leo punched Ville square in his back. Ville didn't let out a scream or anything else that would indicate that he was in pain.

I was expecting Ville to swing back, but it seemed like he was better prepared to fight with words. "She's much better without a violent tyrant like yourself hanging around her. If you ever shout at her again you can be sure that I'll do something about it."

"What are you going to do? Write a shitty emo metal song about it?" Leo taunted.

This time Ville wasn't afraid to punch him in the face. He grabbed my hand gently with the same hand that he had so fercely punched Leo with. We walked off of the beach without another word.

As we drove home I started to think about what Ville had said. He said that would do something about it if Leo shouted at me again, but would he really? He was only here because his band was touring in this area. What could he really do once the band had to move somewhere else? I didn't ask Ville any of these questions. I wasn't fully prepared to hear what his answers would be.

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