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"I can't believe you!" Leo shouted at me as soon as I left Ville's room. "I know we made that silly list ages ago about which celebrities we could sleep with if given the chance, but I didn't expect you to be so low as to actually do it!" Leo kept on the shouting match. "I thought that you loved me. I love you. I would never do anything like that to hurt you. Aren't you aware of how much that would hurt me? Did you even think about me once when you were in there? Did you stop to think for one minute that you could have, and now have, ruined everything just for some slutty one night stand with a rock star. Well, congratulations, you've just thrown everything away for just that. I thought I loved you, but I guess I could never really love a girl that easy." 

Leo started to walk away. I couldn't believe that he could actually say those things to me, especially considering that I hadn't even done anything. Ville and I had just had a nice chat, and you know, I was his girlfriend now, so there was that. I thought that I had loved Leo too, but if he was willing to end this relationship on an unproven assumption then maybe I wasn't meant to be with him at all. Just as I was about to defend myself someone else did. "Look guy, she didn't sleep with me." Ville sounded pissed. I had never heard this tone of voice in any of his interviews. I certainly hadn't imagined that a singing voice so sweet could also produce a yell so fierce. "Turn around man and look at me when I talk to you. You have no right to talk to her like that. She hasn't done anything to you."

"Oh really, and what makes you think that, Mr. Rock Star? You two clearly just weren't having a little chat in there just now, or are you going to try to convince me that you were? I can't believe this is happening... I thought we were in love." Leo kept mumbling on about how I was throwing everything away, just tossing our love in the trash.

I couldn't help it. I began to cry. Just minutes ago Ville had been congratulating me on how in love Leo and I looked. He was enthused that one of his fans could be so happy, and yet here we two lovebirds were. One screaming, and the other crying. Tears were falling out of my eyes at an almost terrifying rate. I was shaking. I felt like I was going to pass out. Ville looked like he wanted to hold me, to comfort me, but he also looked like he was afraid to in case Leo did something stupid. I couldn't believe that any of this was happening, but I guess it really was. "Leo, why are you doing this? If you love me so much then why are you acting like this?" I couldn't tell if my voice was audible through the tears or not.

"I'm doing this because you betrayed me!" He yelled back. "You slept with him, knowing that I would react like this."

I wanted to yell back, but I was crying too much, so Ville defended me instead. "She didn't sleep with me. What part of that aren't you understanding?" Ville's face was growing red. I didn't know how to feel seeing a man I had admired so much and for so long act like this. Any other decent man would do the same thing, but I still didn't know how to feel about it, or anything anymore, really. "She's in love with you. Can't you see that? She's crying her eyes out over there and you're not making it any better. It doesn't seem like you really do love her."

"Who are you to tell me how I feel, or tell me how she feels? How I am supposed to believe that she loves me, and hasn't slept with you? Since I met her she's talked about how much she adores you and would sleep with you in an instant? Am I all of a sudden supposed to believe that once she's got the chance that she's not going to take it? You know what? I can't do this. I'm not going to do this." Leo looked at me now. "We're done. I'm leaving now. All your stuff will still be in the hotel when you get back, don't worry. I wouldn't want to take something away from you, no matter how much you deserve it." 

Leo started to walk off and I called to him, "Leo wait! I can make this up to you!" I was crying profusely. I couldn't stop it. I went to run after him, but he waved me away. Linde held me back and I dropped to my knees and sobbed. All the time Leo never looked back.

Ville told Linde something that I couldn't hear and he went away. Ville crouched down next to me and gave me an awkward times. All the times I had thought over how this meeting would go. I had fantasied this moment for years, and yet it turned out nothing like I had dreamed. If anything, it was more nightmarish than a dream. "Can I take you back home, or back to your hotel to grab your things, anyway?" The anger in his voice had receded and he was only trying his best to comfort me now.

"Leo said he was going to go there right now to grab his things. Maybe we should wait a while before we head out." My speech was choppy and the tears were still coming, although there were less of them now. 

"Come with me," Ville said softly as he helped pick me up and he led me back into his dressing room. He sat me down on a chair and threw a blanket over my shoulders. It reminded me of the one from the Sacrament video. "It'll be alright," he kept telling me for a long time. I didn't know if I could believe him. After a while Ville finally asked, "Should we go now?" Everyone had already left the concert hall. I didn't know if the rest of the band was still there. "I can give you a ride...or, call you one. I can't drive."

"I'd like that," I said as I wiped away the last of my tears.

A few minutes later our ride showed up. Ville got into the backseat with me. Neither of us said anything on our way there. By the time we got to the hotel Leo and all of his things were already gone.  I had no idea where he had went, but he was gone, that was for sure. Ville sat on the end of the unmade bed as I slowly packed up my things. I thought he would have left, but maybe he really was serious about being my boyfriend. When I was done packing I went to get my pajamas on and go to bed. 

"Maybe I should go now," Ville said, getting up.

"No!" I replied too quickly. "I mean, please stay." I tried to recover. I sighed and looked away so he wouldn't see the blush on my face.

"There's only the one bed. Where should I sleep?"

I looked around the room. I was still heartbroken from Leo leaving, but I still really did like Ville. "You can sleep with me," I sounded more shy than excited.

Ville didn't change out of his jeans, but just took off his jacket and crawled in under the covers with me. He seemed to be trying his best not to touch me as though it would make me uncomfortable. I appreciated how kind he was being with me, knowing that if he tried he could do whatever he wanted with me. I was so tired though, and after no time at all I drifted off into sleep.

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