On the Road

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I walked onto the tour bus. It looked exactly like I would have expected a tour bus to look like. There were a few bunkbed-like sleeping places for the band. There was a little booth for eating and playing cards. A small fridge with other cooking supplies was in one area. It was basically a huge family-sized RV. The only difference was, family RVs were usually a lot cleaner. Empty chip bags and beer bottles littered the floor of the bus. Pillows and blankets were scattered everywhere. Various sizes of women's underwear could be seen peeking out from the boy's personal items. I had to look down to watch my step just to walk around the place. I really should have gotten a tetanus shot before I came here. As gross as it was, it was my home for the next few weeks. It was away from Leo and all of his drama, which made it perfect to me, no matter how much trash there was on the bus.

"Sorry about the mess," Ville apologized. We don't usually have guests.

"You mean you don't usually have guests," Burton chimed in. I'm not sure what he was talking about, considering the fact that Linde's bed definitely had the most underwear hanging off of it. 

"You can sleep in my bed, and I'll sleep on the couch," Ville said. 

"That's okay. I can sleep on the couch. You're going to need a lot more rest than I'm going to need." I already felt like I was intruding a little bit. The last thing I wanted to do was take Ville's bed from him.

"You can always share with me," Linde said with a sly smile on his face.

I ignored Linde's comment (I had never been one to want to sleep with him. I'd rather sleep on the floor than get tangled up in his dreadlocks.) and turned back to Ville. "I'll take the couch. Seriously, it's not a problem." 

Ville shrugged. "If you say so. Just let me know if you change your mind," Ville said.

"Let me know if you change your mind, too," Linde added, less meaningfully than Ville had.

Again, I ignored Linde. Ville showed me to a small closet that was jammed full of clothing and some unmentionables. Luckily, I was able to find a space to squeeze in my small luggage case of items that I had brought with me. Once that was settled, I took my seat on my bed...well, my couch. 

The driver turned on the bus and started to drive. I watched as my house faded into the background. Minutes later, there went my home town. I wondered how long it would take me to lose sight of all of the places I had ever been. I had only been on the bus for a few minutes, but already I was feeling a sense of homesickness. I knew that this was for the best, though. I was going to get far away from Leo and his abusive attitude. I was going to take some time for myself, even if I had to take that time in a smelly bus.

It might not seem worth it now, but I know that it will have been worth it when this trip is through. Now I just have to wait here until the next show starts. Next stop: New York City!

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