The Singer Arrives

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The rest of the crowd seemed to be wondering the same thing as I was. Where could Ville be? The rest of the band was there, shouldn't the lead singer be on stage first, if not close behind?

I remember one concert I had seen, not live, just on a pay-per-view channel, when there was something wrong with Ville and Burton's singing turned out to be as loud as Ville's. Burton wasn't bad, but still no where close in comparison to Ville's angelic voice. True, Burton was closet to Ville's sexiness compared to the rest of the band, at least in my opinion, but he was still not anything like Ville in that aspect either. He was so far form the view that I had been dreaming up.

I hoped that this concert would be like another I had watched, again on pay-per-view. The band had played at the Orpheum theatre a few years back, and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen or heard. With Ville's absence growing longer by the second a concert that great seemed far fetched, like a far off memory in some heavenly land.

Ten more minutes went by and now even the band seemed to be tiring of waiting for their singer. Linde started strumming the chords to a song that had not yet been written while the rest of the band took a smoke break.

My ears perked up once I heard Linde starting to play the into to Passion's Killing Floor. The rest of the crowd cheered--which woke up Leo, and then quieted back down to listen. There was an eerie silence in the room, only the people on stage playing and a random guy from the crowd's cough could be heard.

Noise erupted like lave from a newly active volcano. Ville had finally gone on stage. All the women, men, and awkward teenagers--including myself--where screaming like deranged fan-girls. I loved every minute of it. Ville's sweet melodic voice came over us like a tidal wave, drowning us with the lyr4ics and bringing us to to the surface with the occasional Ville squeal or moan.

The concert continued on without flaw, not that it was possible for Ville to be flawed--and it was everything I expected and more. The band did a few songs from every album and even did a cover. Ville had a speech or two, mostly about people throwing bras on stage and how he loved it when he sang along with him.

"It's that time again, the saddest time," Ville said in a low voice. His lips here so close to the microphone that he could have been kissing it. "Time for the last song, more of a ballad, to close another wild night with something...beautiful." It felt like he was talking to me when he said it. It must have been a trick of the light to see him starting into my eyes. "Now my darlings, let us get...Close to the Flame." He let out a laugh for his own pun and then started singing.

Sooner than I liked it, the song was over. Leo let go of me to end out four-minute dance. Ville gave a final farewell and the crowd drifted out of the building.

A stage-hand came up to me once the rest of the people were gone. After I showed him my ID and VIP pass he led Leo and I me backstage. This was the moment that I had been waiting for my whole life.

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