Chapter 4

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The Outlands were a dry and barren land, no greenery, barley any water, and lots of termite mounds that were really tall because the insect eaters didn't want to brave the heat, or the foot clan, to get a meal. Many of the foot clan were fighting over scraps of food from their latest meal. Karai was tugging at a root with her hands, growling and having already eaten. That was one of the clan rules, the Childers eat first. "Ginas, Ginas, Ginas." Nuka grumbled as he approached Karai from behind. "He always gets the attention. Oh hey, Karai. Where's the little termite, Ginas? The 'chosen one'." Karai ignored Nuka's sarcasm, not noticing Nuka take out one of his blades until he touched the root with his blade he was fighting with. Nuka laughed as it snapped, sending Karai tumbling backward. "Nuka, where's Ginas?" Karai snarled as she got to her feet and approached the four year old boy. "Did you leave him out there on his own again?" "Hey, it's every ninja for himself out here!" Nuka snapped back as he scratched himself to relieve him from the itch the termites were causing him. "That little termite's gotta learn to be on his own." "Eda's gonna be mad." Karai growled. "She told you to watch him!" "Oh, who cares? I should've been the one chosen to be the next king." Nuka replied with gritted teeth as he began to scratch his back against a tree trunk. "I'm the oldest, I'm the strongest, I'm the smartest, and oooh! These termites!" Nuka started to roll around, scratch, and nibble every place on his body he could find. Karai felt very satisfied seeing Nuka in that condition, what with the constant teasing and all. "I could be a leader if she'd just give me a chance!" Nuka roared as he pushed himself on his back to try and relieve his itching. "Yeah right." Karai scoffed in disbelief. "Why don't you tell that to her?" "Yeah?" Nuka glared and accepted the challenge. "Don't think I won't!" "Oh yeah?" Karai chuckled as something caught his eye. "Here's your chance." "What?" Nuka turn to see Eda coming back, walking with her hand on Ginas arm. "Oh... Eda! Eda, hi! Eda, I caught some field mice for your dinner, I left 'em by the, um... by the... okay." Karai rolled his eyes at the sight of Eda, walking past Nuka, ignoring his blather, but grinned when she dropped Ginas next to her. "Hey, Ginas." Karai mock-snarled, making her companion look at her earnestly. "You want to fight?" "You were supposed to be watching her!" Eda snarled as she turned on Nuka, who shrank back in fear of his leader. "It's not his fault Mother!" Ginas protested. "I went off on my own!" "What were you doing?" Eda snapped, making Ginas fall onto her back. "N-nothing!" Ginas stuttered as she pushed himself away. "Who has made us Outsiders?" Eda bore down on her daughter. "Leonardo!" Ginas gasped in fright. "Who killed shredder?" Eda snarled. "Leonardo!" Ginas gasped out again. "What have I told you about them?" Eda shouted the last word, making Ginas curl up in fright. "I'm sorry, mother!" Ginas stuttered. "He didn't seem so bad. I thought we could be-" "Friends?" Eda interrupted and began to pace around Ginas. "You thought you'd get to the son. And Leonardo would welcome you with open arms? What an idea!" Stopping eda reconsider and smiled as she pulled Ginas close. "What an idea! You brilliant child. I'm so proud of you!" Eda purred as she kneaded a frightened Ginas with unsheathed hand. "You have the same conniving mind that made shredder so... powerful." "Yecch." Nuka mumbled to himself. Unfortunately, Eda heard him, so she glared and snarled at martin before picking Ginas back up. As she walked into a large termite mound, Karai sulked "Chosen one." Nuka growled in disgust before following. Eda carried Ginas into the "den", and deposits her in a hollow tree trunk. Ginas landed with a grunt, and looked up to see her mother, looking at her proudly. "I now see the path to our glorious return to power!" Eda raved as some foot ninjas watched, interested in the plan.
"But I don't want-" Ginas tried to speak up. "Hush!" Eda snapped, and changed her tone to a softer, more 'loving' sound. "Hush, my little one. You must be exhausted." Eda began to sing, making Ginas sleepily as she was began tucked in for the night.

Sleep, my little Ginas

Let your dreams take wing

One day when you're big and strong

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