Chapter 9

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Back at the palace, Remy and Liz sat next to the king on his bed. The place had been in an uproar when Leo was brought in injured. Isis had examined him, stitched and bandaged his ankle, and proclaimed that the rest of Leo was simply bruised and sore. "It can't be true." Remy whispered softly as he watched his father sleep. "I don't understand either." Liz replied as she placed her hand on Leo's head. "But we need to consider that what happened may have been Ginas's intent in the first place." "No." Remy shook his head. "Ginas wouldn't. I know it." A soft moan caught their attention, and Leo slowly opened his eyes to see his family looking at him. "Leo." Liz whispered softly, aware that Leo may have a headache or concussion. "How are you feeling?" "Sore." Leo responded. "No headache though." "What happened?" Remy asked quietly. "Ginas and I went out to the newly burned section of land." Leo replied as he slowly sat up. "I told her our side of the shredder story, willing to give her a chance. But Eeda and her 'clan' surrounded us, proclaiming that it was their plan." "No." Remy whimpered with his hand at his mouth. "Yes." Leo replied firmly. "And then they attacked, where I received these injuries. Thanks to some rolling logs, I was able to get away and back to safety." "My king." Donnie spoke from the doorway. "Ginas is here." "What's she doing here?" Leo asked with a slight hint of anger in his voice. "She is seeking an audience with you." April growled. "I reserved judgment when he first came here." Leo said as he slowly got out of bed with Liz's help. "The time has come" "Father?" Remy questioned but was silenced with the glare his father sent him. "I know you care for her." Leo said firmly as they entered the throne room. "But I most uphold the fact he was part of the reason I was attacked." As they entered the room, whispers were heard from the council and the sacred court. "I never trusted her..." "It's the Outsider, that little troublemaker..." "What's she doing here?" "She doesn't belong here..." "Look at that scar on his face..." "Let me at her! Let me at her!" pinkie pie was growling as Mikey and April held her back while Leo took his place on the throne, with Liz on his right and Remy on his left. "Why have you come back?" Leo demanded, bringing silence to the room. "Leo..." Ginas raised her head, revealing the scar that had been whispered about. "I had nothing to do with-" "You don't belong here." Leo interrupted with a glare. "Please..." Ginas knelt on her knees. "I ask your forgiveness." "Father please..." Remy pleaded softly. "Listen to him." "Silence!" Leo hissed with a glare to his son before turning his attention to the woman on trial. "When you first came here, you asked for judgment, and I pass it now." Random voices were heard as they each gave their input. "Give him what he deserves!" "Kick him out!" "Judgment day is here!" "Exile!" Leo proclaimed, once again silencing the room. "No!" Remy shouted he leapt away from the throne tried to run to Ginas but was held back by Donnie and April. "Ginas!" With wide eyes Ginas backed out of the room as the palace guards pointed their spears at her while shouting cruel remarks at him and conversing with each other.

"You know we can't trust these Outsider types!"

"Your kind are nothing but trouble!"

"Traitor, go back with your own!"

Other palace servants began to sing as they watched, throwing sharp object at the banished people.



Evil as plan as the scar on her face.

Deception (An outrage!)

Disgrace (For shame!)

She asked for trouble the moment she came (See you later alligator)

Deception (An outrage!)

Disgrace (For shame!)

She asked for trouble the moment she came (See you later alligator)

Running outside of the palace, Ginas dodged rocks and stones thrown by the crowd of people, as well as mutants and humans who were trying to sting him. As she ran, the people of Japan raised their voices in song.

Born in grief

Raised in hate

Helpless to defy her fate

Let her run

Let her live

But do not forget

What we cannot forgive

Reaching the river where Remy first saw the outlands, Ginas looked back to see Leo watching him with emotionless eyes, and Remy trying not to cry as he was held by Liz, the sacred court standing behind them.

And she is not one of us

She has never been one of us

She is not part of us

Not our kind

Looking down into the river, Ginas saw her reflection change to that of an old man with armor and helmet eye. Having heard enough stories from Eda, Ginas knew it was shredder she was looking at. Ginas quickly jumped out of the river, once again running from his now hated past.

Someone once lied to us

Now we're not so blind

For we knew he would do what she's done

And we know that she'll never be one of us

She is not one of us

"Ohhh..." Rockwell groaned softly as he watched Gina's flee over the final hill of the king's country, and into the desert. Back at the palace, Leo still stood on the balcony, looking into the distance where he last saw Gina's. "Father please..." Remy begged as he squirmed out of Liz's arms, "reconsider!" "You will not go anywhere without an escort from now on." Leo replied, sparing a glance to his son. "No! That's not fair!" Remy shouted. "She used you to get to me!" Leo growled. "No!" Remy protested. "She loves me... for me!" "Because you are my son!" Leo's voice rose slightly before dropping. "You will not leave the palace. You will stay where I can keep an eye on you... away from her." "You don't know her!" Remy shot back. "I know she's following in the shredder's foot steeps." Leo replied angrily as he stared over Japan again. "And I must follow in my father's. "You will never be splinter!" Remy shouted as the tears he had been holding back finally started to fall down his face. Leo felt his shoulders jerk, stung into silence at Remy's words as Liz wrapped her arms around the king. Breaking down, Remy turned and ran back to his room, where he threw himself onto his bed sobbing. As his tears finally slowed, Remy looked up to the secret entrance that the royal family would use to escape the palace in emergencies. Filled with a new determination, Remy pushed the switch on the wall and entered the tunnel, making sure to close the door behind him. Slipping out of the exit, and with one last glance back at the palace, Remy ran away from his home, searching for Ginas

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