Chapter 10

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Running as fast as his legs would allow, Remy raced down the same path Ginas took when fleeing the palace, stopping at the rock next to the stream. "Ginas?" Remy asked as he jumped to the top of the rock, and then into the stream in sadness. "Ginas." Slumping in depression, Remy caught a look at his reflection. To his shock, only half of his body was clearly visible. Leaping out of the water, he ran to the cave they had hid in during the bull stampede. "Ginas..." Remy whispered sadly as the saw the mutant wasn't there, and sat down, crying out of a broken heart. As soon as night fell, Ginas picked herself up, and began walking again, this time through the land. When a pair of doves startled in front of him and flew off together, Ginas couldn't help but sing sadly.

In a perfect world

One we've never known

We would never need

to face the world alone

Still walking Ginas looked at the gazelle, which she had no desire to hunt as he turned away and into a small canopy of trees. There, many animal couples sat together, but ginas followed the butterflies.

They can have the world

We'll create our own

I may not be brave or strong or smart

But somewhere in my secret heart

Jumping up onto a tree branch, Ginas looked to the sky as he kept singing. Seeing the rabbit and two tigers' constellations in the sky, and remembering that it was only last night she and remy had pointed them out giggling with each other.

I know love will find a way

Anywhere I go

I'm home

If you are there beside me

Lying down on the branch, a depressed ginas saw her reflection in the stream he was hanging over. Again, only half is clearly visible. Standing up again, at the rustle of grass, Ginas felt herself perk up before seeing it was only a frog.

Like dark turning into day

Somehow we'll come through

Now that I've found you

Love will find a way

Leaving the log, Ginas went to the burned area of the land, eventually sitting on a high knoll, head bowed in sadness. Behind her was Remy, who had heard Ginas singing. He was nervous, but he had to let ginas know he was there, so he continued the song.

I was so afraid

Now I realize

Love is never wrong

And so it never dies

Ginas sighed as she thought he heard Remy's voice on the wind. But as it got stronger, she felt her heart lift as she turned, and saw Remy really standing there.

There's a perfect world

Shining in your eyes

Smiling, Ginas joined Remy in song as the stared at each other, just happy they were there, and not separated.

And if only they could feel it too

The happiness I feel with you

Finally, not being able to hold back, they raced to each other, holding the one they loved in a tight hug.

They'd know love will find a way

Anywhere we go

We're home

If we are there together

Remy kissed Ginas on her new scar, making her startle as remy slipped away with a smirk. Catching on, Ginas chased after him as they kicked ash and dust at each other, laughing and smiling as their song rose.

Like dark turning into day

Somehow we'll come through

Now that I've found you

Love will find a way

Coming to a stop on top of a hill, Ginas knelt down and reveled a new plant growing under the ash, as Leo did for her earlier that day. Smiling, Ginas hugged Remy again as the wind swirled around them, clearing away the ash with a soft breeze.

I know love will find a way

Two butterflies flutter around the mutant and woman as the pulled apart but didn't let go. Remy felt himself brighten at the sight of them, and rushed off after them, laughing. Confused for two seconds, Ginas finally realized that Remy was playing. Laughing, Ginas pursued him, and they wrestled briefly, tumbling down next to the edge of a stream, where Ginas kissed Remy on the cheek, making him giggle. "Hey, look." Ginas nodded to the stream, where their reflections had melded together. "We are one." "What?" Remy asked softly as he realized what Ginas said. "Let's get out of here." Ginas grinned as she jumped up excitedly, not having heard Remy's question. "We'll run away together! And start a clan... all our own." "Ginas," Remy chuckled as he hugged Ginas again, ignoring the smoldering look in his eyes, "we have to go back." "You're kidding." Ginas gasped, putting her around arms around Remy waste, trying to make him see reason. "But we're finally together!" "Our place is with our clan." Remy replied gently. "Ginas, if we run away, they will be divided forever." Ginas considered the fact but didn't seem entirely convinced as she recalled what happened that day with both clans. "Well," Ginas resigned as Remy pulled out a puppy dog face he had learned from his mother, "I suppose someone has to stop this madness. I'll race you back!" Laughing, the two run off together, back in the direction of the palace. In the outlands, Eda rallied her forces, exiting the termite mound, ignoring Karai's soft complaining growls. She would rather be with martin than fight the king. When the foot clan crossed a river on the way to attack the palace, they got all muddy. Overhead, thunder rumbled. At the palace, rain began to fall as pinkie pie and Mikey ran through the hallways. "I can't believe we lost him again." Pinkie pie complained as they entered her's and Mikey's room. "This has got to be the eight thousandth time! I thought you were gonna watch him!" "Me?" Mikey gasped. "You were gonna watch him!" "I thought you were gonna watch him when I went to see Renet!" Mikey shot back. "That's beside the point!" Pinkie yelled. "You were gonna watch him!" "Watch this!" Mikey shouted as he bounced onto the bed and them on top of pinkie pie. "Ow!" pinkie pie quickly flipped the two of them, so she was pinning Mikey. "Take that!" "What are you doing?" Leo asked from the doorway with a small smirk at the all-out wrestling match. "Good question!" pinkie replied as she and Mikey leapt to attention at the sight of the king. "Now let me ask you one." "Hypothetical." Mikey added. "Very hypothetical." pinkie agreed. "There's this guy..." "But he's not a mutant turtle." Mikey interjected. "No! No, he's not a mutant turtle." Pinkie Pie stuttered out, not noticing Leo's amused look. "Definitely not a mutant turtle. And, uh... uh... his son, um, say... vanished." "Remy is gone?" Leo asked angrily. "Sire!" Donnie shouted as he and April raced into the room, panting heavily, and slightly wet from patrol duty. "The Outsiders are on the attack!" "They're heading this way!" April added. "It's war!" "Donnie, find Remy!" Leo ordered as he turned to April, pinkie pie, and Mikey. "We'll assemble the rest of the clan. Move! Now!"

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