Chapter 8

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The next morning, Ginas, walked out onto a balcony with a sad expression on her face. "Okay, I have to tell him today." Ginas groaned and paced around a little. "But where do I start? 'Remy, Eda has a plot, and I was part of it. But I don't want to be, because it's because I love you.' Oh, he'll never believe me. But I got to try." Turning back inside, Ginas approached Remy, who was just leaving his room. "Remy..." Ginas called, making Remy turn to her with a smile. "I need to talk to you." "Remy... I don't want you talking with her." Leo said sternly was he walked down the hallway before his face softened. "I want to talk with her." Remy felt his face brighten, not noticing Ginas's nervous look. Leo winked at Remy as he and Ginas exit the palace and out onto field, where Leo told Ginas his side of the shredder story. "Shredder couldn't let go of his hate..." Leo explained as they entered the newly burnt section of land, "and in the end, it destroyed him." "I've... never heard the story of shredder that way." Ginas admitted as they stopped. "He truly was a killer." "Fire is a killer." Leo replied as he scanned the horizon and kneeled down, Ginas copying the motion as the king brushed away some ash to reveal a new plant. "Sometimes, what's left behind can grow better than the generation before... if given the chance." An evil chuckle from the dust surrounding the two made them look up, and Ginas gasp as he realized what was happening. The dark forms of many foot ninjas appeared from the clouds of dust, surrounding them. "No..." Ginas whispered in horror. "Oh, no... no..." "Why, Leonardo..." Eda greeted. "Eda." Eda growled as he took out his katanas. "What are you doing out here, and so alone?" Eda asked with fake innocence as the foot ninjas surround a growling Leo and horrified Ginas. "Well done, Ginas. Just like we always planned." "You." Leo growled as he turned on Ginas. "No!" Ginas protested as her changed took out her sword protection reasons. "I didn't have anything to do with this!" "Attack!" Eda hissed. Leo growled and roared in pain as Karai jumped on his back, scratching and biting his shoulders and shell. "No!" Ginas shouted in horror and attempted to help Leo, but was kicked back into a rock by Karai, losing consciousness. Struggling, Leo was pushed over the edge of a ravine, and injured one of his arm on the way down, losing his ability to swing his sword so he putted one blade away. "Yes!" Eda cheered from the ravine ledge as her forces slide down the slope towards the fallen king. "We've got him!" With a snarl, Nuka leaped at Leo, who barely got out of the way while changing to his lion form for greater speed and fled down the canyon. "Remember your training!" Eda called as she watched one of the foot ninjas get tossed off of Leo's back. "As a unit!" Reaching the end of the canyon, Leo found himself trapped by piled up logs. Glancing back, Leo realized he had no choice as Eda and her clan closed in, so he began to climb. Kicking logs back gained Leo time as the foot ninjas scuttled back, "Leo!" Ginas called from the ledge above the king. "Get him Ginas!" Eda called to her daughter as he began to search for a way down into the ravine. "Get him! Do it now!" "I'll do it!" Nuka shouted as he bounded up the logs laughing. "Are you watching Eda? I'm doing it for you... and I'm doing it for me!" Stumbling as some crisscrossed logs blocked his path, Leo panted as he reached the log and needed it grab, before crying out in pain as Marik's blade sank into is ankle. "This is my moment of glory!" Nuka grinned insanely. But the log on which Nuka had leg broke, causing him to lose his grip on the King's ankle, and began to fall as Leo reached the top. But the logs rolled down the slope; with Nuka's abdomen trapped under the log he had been using for leverage, he watched in horror as the logs came closer. At the last second, Ginas raced up and braced himself above Martin as the log hit his shoulder, but his didn't give way under the strain. "Are you going to just stand there gawking?" Nuka shouted as more logs began to hit the one he was holding. Martin quickly raced up and helped Ginas hold the log in place as the logs settled, Leo getting away as the dust settled. "Nuka." Eda gasped and raced to the trapped male as the foot ninjas began to remove the logs from behind the one Eda and Karai were holding up. "I'm sorry, Eda." Nuka gasped as the logs were removed. "I tried..." "Shhh." Eda soothed as she stroked Martin's cheek, having taken the role of his mother after his parents had died. "You'll be okay." "Well... I finally got your attention, didn't I?" Nuka whispered as Ginas and Karai rolled the log they were supporting over their backs and down to the bottom of the ravine. "Nuka." Karai whispered as he sat next to Eda while Eda pulled the log on top of Nuka off him. "I should have told you sooner. I love you." "I love you to." Nuka whispered and grimaced as he was, unable to move with such heavy injuries. Panting softly, Ginas, bent over, and carefully picked up making, and began the long trek back to where their home in the outlands was. Back in the middle of the palace lands, Remy watched with Pinkiepie, Mikey, and Donnie, as his father wearily walked into view. "Father." Remy said in delight before realizing something was wrong. "Father! Donnie, go get help!" "Oh yes!" Donnie replied as he quickly ran in the direction of the palace. "At once!" Remy, Pinkiepie, and Mikey raced to meet Leo, who was limping in pain with blood trailing from his ankle where Martin had grabbed him. "Father?" Remy asked quietly, as embraced his father. "Leo!" Pinkiepie gasped as she came to a halt. "Talk to me! What happened?" "Ginas!" Leo gasped out as he coughed, breathing painfully as he collapsed on his side with a groan of pain. "Ambush..." No." Remy whispered softy as he kneeled next to the king, not believing Ginas would do such a thing. Pinkie changed to her blue Eyes pink Dragon form as Mikey helped Leo lift Leo onto her back. "It's all right, buddy." Pinkie rumbled softly as he started to fly back to the palace. "We're here for you." Back in the Outlands, Eda placed Nuka in the most comfortable place in the termite mound, which happened to be his bed. Backing up, Ginas left the room and let Karai began to treat Nuka's injuries. The diagnosis, some mild internal bleeding that was easily fixed, along with strong bruising and sore and wrenched muscles that would take a few weeks to heal. "With some rest, he'll be okay." Karai sighed as she left the room. "Good." Eda replied before she turned on Ginas with outstretched blade. "And you!" "Augh!" Ginas cried in pain as she hand flew to his right eye. Recovering quickly, Ginas turned her head and glared at Eda, who recoiled at the sight. Starting under her eye was a line that ran down his face, with two other lines crossed on top of that, making a double S. "What have you done?" Eda snarled menacingly. "I-I-I didn't mean to... it-it-it wasn't my fault, I..." Ginas recovered from his stuttering and growled forcefully. "I did nothing!" "Exactly!" Eda hissed back as she paced. "And in doing so, you betrayed your pride... betrayed shredder!" "I want nothing more to do with him!" Ginas shouted back, making Eda step back. "You cannot escape it!" Eda recover in tenfold, forcing Ginas to the entrance of the mound. "Nuka could have died because of you!" "No." Ginas whispered softly "You could've have killed your own brother!" Eda shouted. "No!" Ginas yelled as she turned and ran out of the termite mound, ignoring the snarls and growls from his ex-clan members. "Let him go." Eda growled. "Leonardo has hurt me for the last time. And now he has corrupted Ginas!" "Will you take this outside?" Karai hissed by Martin's doorway, watching as the woman left the mound. "Listen to me." Eda said once outside. "Leonardo is injured and weak. Now is the time to attack! We will take his entire kingdom by force!" With yelling and cheers as the reply, Eda laughed. She didn't need Ginas. She had leo right where she wanted him.

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