Chapter 5

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"You are ready!" Eda proclaimed "Nice... very nice." Eda began to slink around her daughter, who was sitting on a rock inside their home. "You have the same blackness in your soul that shredder had." Eda chuckled. "What is your destiny?" "I will avenge shredder," Ginas growled, her tan skin glistening in the faint light, "and take his place as the queen." "Yes!" Eda hissed excitedly. "What have I taught you?" "Leonardo is the enemy." Ginas snarled. "And what must you do?" Eda asked as she began to pant with excitement. "I must kill him!" Ginas roared, earning roars of the other members of the clan. A few hours later, back at the palace, Remy was getting ready to take part in his first patrol. With the sacred court gathered outside, Leo hid his emotions of worry and sadness, sighing. Liz walked over and stood next to Leo, making him smile as the two looked to the palace doors.

Remy emerged from the door

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Remy emerged from the door. As a young man, he had inherited splinter's height genes but He still had his freckles, and baby blue eyes, and liz's light skin color. "Remy." Rockwell, who was standing next to the door, smiled with a bow, easing some of remy's worries. Remy began to walk down to his parents, giggling as Pinkiepie goofily embraced Mikey, April, and Donnie, making them both look annoyed. Reaching his parents, liz stepped forward and embraced her son. "You'll do just fine." Leo whispered encouragingly, as she vague noticed her husband's glum expression. "Daddy..." Remy gained his father's attention, "you have to promise to let me do this on my own. Promise?" Leo took a deep breath and glanced at liz, who raised an eyebrow with a very pointed look at him. "All right, I promise." Leo nodded. Grinning, Remy leapt into his father's arms before leaving threw the palace gates, glancing back to see Leo nod, and then ran off into the fields. Leo walked to the edge of a balcony as he watch his son leave, and glanced over to Pinkiepie and Mikey, who had come over to see if he was alright. "Make sure he doesn't get hurt." Leo whispered quietly before going back inside. Pinkie and Mikey glanced at each other with an eye roll, but head out to do what their friend asked. As they approached Remy and a deer he was by, they noticed his stealth posture wasn't exactly up to snuff, evident when Remy stepped on a branch. The crack sends the herd of antelope running. With a groan, Remy frustratedly ran after the fleeing herbivore. Bursts of steam erupted around two teenagers, Martin and Karai, in the old battleground where Leo and Liz had snuck off to when they were kids. "This place is even creepier since the Dazzlings ran off." Nuka  groaned. "Gee." Karai mumbled with an eye roll, her arms where filled with kindling as she jumped down from the ledge they were standing on. "I'm not scared, okay?" Nuka hissed annoyed as he followed. Karai place the kindling she had on the edge of one of the spouts with a soft sigh. All Martin ever did was gripe, but Karai was head over heels with him. "I just don't know why we have to be here, that's all." Marik grumbled. "If Ginas so special, why does she need us? I never even had a CHANCE! Yaaah!" Martin ran and hid behind Karai as a jet of hot gas erupted right behind him. Karai watched him with amusement, his face lighting up as the spout he placed the sticks on bursts, lighting the kindling ablaze. "That's it!" Karai grinned as she picked up one of the sticks. "Now come on. Remy has started his patrol. We have to move quickly." Nuka picked up his burning stick and leaned his head over the vent's edge. It went off, scorching his face, much to his strange delight. "Oooh! Fire!" Nuka cheered, and laughed crazily as he bounded off after Kiara. Back out on the open fields, a  pink hair woman and mutant turtle were following Remy. The two crossed a clearing military-fashion, sniffing the air, and dart from tree to tree with SWAT-team-style. Pinkiepie leapt into a hollow log and made his hand into a makeshift two-way radio. "Tango-Charley-Alpha, what's your position?" Pinkie asked Mikey, who was confused by the question. "Upright," Mikey replied, giving Pinkiepie a weird look, "head turned slightly to the left." "Why do I bother?" Pinkiepie sighed and scanned the horizon, spotting Remy. "Ah hah." Remy was stalking a deer again, carefully stepping over some stones with his feet, but knocking them over. Gasping, Remy watched as the deer begin to run yet again. Quickly jumping out of hiding, Remy and gave chase. As Pinkiepie and Mikey scanned the horizon, the herd dashes directly towards the two, causing them to shriek in fright, and lie flat to avoid getting trampled. "This must be where the deer and the antelope play." Pinkie moaned as she kept Mikey tucked under him until the antelope passed by. Sitting up, the two brushed themselves off, shrieking again when they turn and see Remy there, panting. Pinkie chuckles guilty and Mikey smiled innocently while Remy recovered some of his breath. "Pinkiepie," Remy panted sternly, "what are you doing here?" "Uh... shopping!" Pinkiepie blurted out and tried to roll with it as Mikey nodded. "We thought a nice pelt for the den, some throw pillows, a little potpourri..." "My father sent you." Remy growled, cutting off the shifter. "After he promised to let me do this on my own. He lied!" "No." Pinkie shook her head. "He just doesn't want you to get hurt." "I should have known he'd never give me a real chance." Remy whispered and ran past them, still breathing hard. "I'll do this on my own. Away from the palace!" "Hey! Wait!" Pinkiepie shouted as she and Mikey took off running after the prince, but he was already far ahead. "Oh... he's gone again! Somebody's gotta tie a boomerang around this guy's neck! Or get some sort of pager!" Remy stopped running for a second as he looked over his shoulder at the palace, and then continued toward the edge of the palace grounds. Nuka and Karai stood above on a dead grass hill, their sticks flaming as they spotted Remy in the grass. "Let's light fire!" Martin shouted as they ran down the slope, both laughing madly. Karai chuckled as she lit a stretch of dead grass ablaze. If there was one thing she and Nuka could agree on, it was fire was fun. "Roasty toasty princey... roasty toasty princey..." Nuka cheered as he lit the grass in several places, hopping around in circles, sealing himself in the center of the circle of flames. "Hey, is it hot in here, or is that just me?" "You idiot!" Karai yelled, making Martin realize just where he was. "Fire! Yowww!" Nuka screamed as he rocketed into the air and landed a good distance away, where he resumed laughing like a maniac "Come on" Karai growled as she grabbed Nuka from behind and dragged him out of the fire's path. Remy crept closer to the deer grazing, but they spooked at something near Remy, and begin to gallop off. Remy gave chase but stopped when he saw smoke on the horizon. He soon saw the fire burning and horses and cows that were run in his direction. Panicking, Remy turned and began to run back the way he came, horses and cows following. On a high knoll above the flames, Eda and Ginas watched the destruction. "The plan is in motion." Eda grinned, pausing for a second. "Go!" Ginas got up and ran down the slope towards the palace and into the blaze. At the palace, Leo paced around in worry April standing several steps away. "Don't worry Leo, he'll be fine." April sighed as she watched him wear a hole in the stone. "What could happen?" Leo sighed as he looked up to the plains, and gasped as he saw the smoke rising. "No... no!" Leo gasped in horror. "Remy!" April turned her eyes to wear leo was looking, and gasped as well, but more out of fear for Mikey. "Donnie!" Leo called as he ran out of the gates grabbing,. "Run. Find him!" The people of the palace all grabbed thier weapons and followed Leo to find Remy. Remy was following a pair of horses, hoping they would lead him away from the flames, but found himself trapped and hemmed in on all sides, choking on the thick smoke. Seeing a high stone overhang above the flames, he leapt up and tried to climb up the side, succeeding, but fells unconscious, upon reaching the top. Hearing footsteps, Remy woke up for a moment to see a lion baring its teeth down at him. Losing consciousness again, Remy failed to see the person was Ginas, who grabbed the unconscious prince by his arms, and threw his body on her back. With a soft growl, Ginas carried Remy off the top of the rock and away from the fire. Dodging burning trees, Ginas leapt off the edge of a slope and into a pool of water. Remy began to sink, still out of it as Ginas dove after him. Surfacing again, Ginas begins to drag Remy to shore, not noticing Donnie ahead, witnessing the event. "I must tell Leo!" Donnie gasped and ran off to find his king. Grunting, Ginas dragged Remy to the shore, where he woke up, gasping for breath. "Where am I?" Remy asked groggliy. "You're safe... on the palace lands." Ginas answered, breathing slightly heavily. "The palace lands. No!" Remy mumbled, bewildered for a second, before remembering why he wasn't on the palace lands, and began to force the one who saved him back. "Why did you bring me here? Who do you think you are?" "I think I'm the one who just saved your life!" Ginas responded with just as much sass. "Look, I had everything under control!" Remy growled. "Not from where I'm standing." Ginas smirked. "Then move downwind." Remy hissed as he turned to move away. Ginas kept smirking as she jumped in front of remy, keeping in front of him as remy tried to pass by, but wasn't allowed. "What are you doing?" Ginas asked, finally having enough of toying with Remy. "Ginas?" Remy asked with a smile that was returned. "Remy!" Leo shouted, leaping in front of his son, growling at the Women with him, who took out his katatas for protection. "Remy!" Liz ran up giving her son a tight hug. "You're all right." "Father, how could you break your promise?" Remy angrily asked from liz's arms. "It's a good thing I did, I almost lost you." Leo replied and turned his face to his son. "No more patrols for you. Not ever!" "But I was doing just fine!" Remy protested. "Even before Ginas-" "Ginas?" Leo asked and growled at leo, who growled back unafraid. "Leo?" Liz questioned her husband's ferocity. Leo gave a small glare to liz, and delivered one full blast to Ginas. "Hey!" Rockwell's voice caused them to turn and see the shaman standing on a rock nearby. "You! How dare you save the King's son?" "You saved him?" Leo questioned. "Why?" "I humbly ask to join your clan." Ginas responded evenly. "No!" Leo immediately snapped. "You were banished with the other Outsiders." "I hadn't even been born yet." Ginas replied. "And I have left the Outsiders. I am a rogue. Judge me now, for what I am... or am I to be blamed for a crime I didn't commit?" Leo snarls and paced around growling as he went. "Leo," liz looked at him hard, "we owe her our son's life." "Yes, sire." Donnie responded as he landed. "Clearly we are in his debt... and royal protocol demands that all debts be paid." "Though in this case you might want to make an exception." April added held onto Donnie and Mikey while glaring at Ginas, who simply looked annoyed.

"My father's law will prevail." Leo decided putting his swords away. "For now, I reserve judgment. We'll see who you really are." Ginas smiled and looked sidelong at Remy, who smiled back at him along with leo. Donnie on the other hand, turned his back on Ginas with a snort. "Riffraff." Donnie growled as he his wife and her brother in front of him. Making their way back to the palace, Ginas walked behind leo, growling to herself. As night fell over Japan, leo noticed Ginas about to go into the sleeping quarters with the sacred court. Growling, he jumped in front of Ginas, intimidating her away from the doorway as he went inside. With a sigh, Ginas claimed an unused servant's room to sleep, barley noticing when remy walked into the room. Until he spoke that it. "Hey... uh." Remy mumbled. "Thanks for saving me today." "What kind of ninja are you, anyway- Prince Remy?" Ginas scoffed. "You almost got yourself killed out there." "What?" Remy asked. "You wouldn't last three days on your own." Ginas smirked. "Oh, and I suppose you could teach me?" Remy asked, slightly provoked. "Yeah." Ginas chuckled. "Remy!" Leo shouted from the entrance of his room. "Coming!" Remy called and turned back to before walking out of the room. "All right, impress me. We start at dawn." "I look forward to it." Ginas chuckled. Outside, Eda and Nuka watched the action threw Ginas's window while sitting on a nearby hill. "Oh... oh... d-d-did you see that?" Nuka gasped in disbelief. "She just let him go! If that were me I'd-" "Hush." Eda glanced down at the upset younger man. "The fire-rescue worked perfectly, and Leonardo fell for it. Now, the closer Ginas gets to the son, the closer he gets to Leonardo! And once he has Leonardo alone... rraaagh!" Eda swung her blade at a young tree, breaking it in half.

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