Chapter 6

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Right around midnight, Leo began to toss around in his sleep, having a bad dream.

Dream :

Standing at the top of a ledge, Leo gasped as he looked down, seeing his father, splinter, hanging on with his hands, as the people and mutants stampeded bellow. "Leonardo !" splinter called when he saw his son. "Help me!" "Father!" Leo called, turning when he heard laughter. Shredder, stood above on a higher ledge, with his hood covered his face, watching, creeping closer the other two mutants. "Dad... just... a little... farther..." Leo grunted as he reached for splinter, who was just out of reach, before crying out in pain. "Gotcha!" shredder said with an evil smile as, his blade digging into Leo's leg. "Trust me." "Leonardo! "splinter called out as he slid completely out of reach, down the gorge, and into the stampeding herd. "Noooo!" Leo shouted in terror, turning on shredder with a growl, which was cut off as the hood was thrown off his head, revealing Ginas. "Ginas?" "Ha!" Ginas sneered as she threw Leo after his father, laughing at the falling mutant. "No!" Leo cried out.

Dream End :

"No!" Leo cried out as he shot up, panting, looking around in fright, and calmed down as Liz wrapped her arms around him. "Leo?" Liz whispered tiredly, having woke up at her husband's cry. "Tell me what happened love." Taking a deep breath, Leo began to recount his nightmare. "I think you're nervous that Ginas is going to behave like the shredder." Liz said once Leo had finished. "It's a legit fear, one I have myself." "What do we do then?" Leo asked as he held Liz in his lap. "Like you said earlier," Liz sighed, "we have to wait and see who Ginas really is." "Doesn't mean I like the idea." Leo shook his head. "No one does." Liz hummed. "But let's try to not worry about this whole ordeal again until morning. Okay?" "Okay." Leo agreed as the two slowly fell back asleep. At sunrise the next morning. Leo left his room, letting Liz sleep. Stretching his arms, she slowly walked toward the kitchen. Watching from the shadows was Ginas she had her blade out and was ready, to trike. As Ginas focused on following the king, he was slightly startled when Remy jumped in front of him. "Good morning!" Remy laughed, jumping up on his tiptoes, strong indication that he was feeling frisky. "I'm ready for my first lesson. Surprised you, huh?" Still feeling stunned, Ginas quickly hid her previous mindset and intentions, glancing back down the hallway to see that Leo was gone. "Hey, c'mon." Remy laughed as he hopped out the door. "Let's go!" Still feeling dumbstruck, Ginas gave one last glance after her lost opportunity with a growl, but she followed Remy out the door and outside. A couple hours later, Ginas was teaching Remy, stealth. Trying to anyway. "Ow." Remy hissed for the third time, not noticing Ginas smiling bemusedly to himself. "Three... two... one..." Ginas muttered with an eye roll, anticipating the impending pounce, and ducked. "Gotcha!" Remy grinned as he jumped, sailing full over Ginas's evasion, and tumbled to the ground, looking sheepish as Ginas stood over her, looking down at him. "You could hear me... huh?" "Only... a lot." Ginas shook her head as Remy stood back up, and demonstrated what he could do to improve. "You're still breathing too hard. Relax... feel the earth under your feet... so it doesn't shift and make noise." "Hm." remy hummed as he followed Ginas's example. "Shhh." Ginas hissed as she watched a flock of birds land on the other side of a nearby hill. "Watch the master... and learn." Ginas silently slinked up towards the base of the hill before running up the side, leaping over the crest of the hill with a roar, her blade was fully extended. "Aaaahhhh!" pinkiepie screamed in fright as Ginas knocked her to the ground. "Don't hurt me! Please! I... I... I never really met your tyrant. I mean, uh- Shredder. Shredder . Oh, heck of a guy. A little moody, but, I..." "Remy!" Remy snapped, annoyed at seeing the woman again. "What are you doing here?" "Remy! Thank goodness!" pinkie grinned and gestured behind him to Mikey and a bunch of birds scavenging for grubs for Donnie's to experiment on. "Hey... for once, we're not following you. Donnie sent us to collect smorgasbord so can experiment on them. Bugs everywhere! But if you don't call for a reservation, and- yeesh!" Remy began to snicker as pinkie pie attempted to scare the birds away. "Get out of here, you scavengers. Go on! Shoo! Shoo!" pinkie pie shouted as she waved her arms at one unconcerned bird, which bit his nose, causing it to glowing red in pain. "Augh!" Mikey shouted as he rushed down the hill, and back up, scattering birds, which came back to land right where they were. Remy giggled softy at pinkiepie and Mikey 's antics, and at Ginas's bewildered expression. "Oh... Pinkie, I'm getting tired." Mikey panted as he flopped down, a dozen or so birds landing on his back. "I gotta lose some pounds!" "Shoo!" pinkie pie shouted as she kicked at the birds, scaring them off. "Go on! Shoo! Shoo!" Remy and Ginas trotted down the hill with Remy laughing, and Ginas looking at pinkie pie and Mikey like they were crazy. "Hey, maybe he can help." Mikey said as she sat up, noticing Ginas. "You think?" "Oh, yeah! There's an idea." Pinkie rolled her eyes. "Right. Let the vicious Outsider- Hey! Wait! I have an idea! What if she helps?" "Oh boy." Ginas sighed, recalling a similar conversation she had had with Pinkie pie when they had first found Leo in the desert, right after the stampeded that had killed his father. "You want to lend a voice? Huh?" Pinkie asked and made some growling sounds. "Roar! Work with me!" "What?" Ginas whispered to Remy, who grinned. "Like this." Remy roared, scattering the birds. "Woo-hoo!" Pinkie pie cheered as she and Mikey began to chase after the flock. "C'mon, do it again! Do it again!" With a glance at Remy, Ginas also roared, startling the birds as Pinkiepie and Mikey chased after them. "Yee-haa!" Mikey cheered as Rémy and Ginas ran down the hill, sending birds flying in every direction. "Why are we doing this?" Ginas asked, still clueless. "What's the point of this training?" "Training?" Remy asked while laughing. "This is just for fun!" "Fun?" Ginas asked as if she never heard the word before. "You've got to get out more often." Pinkie laughed as she flew by with baby blue Eyes and pink Dragon Wings. "Fun! Yeee-haa! Whooo-hoo!" "Yeee-haa!" Mikey cheered as he slowly got the hand of the idea. The group chased the flying birds, whooping and cheering as they went. At the last moment, they noticed the end was blocked by a number of bulls, and come skidding to a halt. "Uh-oh." Remy muttered as they noticed the birds sitting on top of the rhinos' heads. "Thhppbbts!" the birds blew raspberries as the group, who turned tail and ran back the way they came with the bulls in hot pursuit. "Whoa!" Remy and Ginas both shouted as they skid around a corner. "Hang bull!" Pinkie shouted as she and Mikey rounded the bend. The bulls thunder past, not noticing a small crevice in the rocks the three mutants and human hid in. As soon as the dust settled, they all burst out laughing with delight. "What a blast!" Ginas gasped out. "You're okay, kid." pinkie pie grinned as he gave Ginas a noogie. "Hey!" Ginas protested, having been caught off guard. "You're okay." pinkie pie repeated with a pat to the shoulder. "Excuse me." Mikey muttered as he and pinkie pie wiggled out of the crevice. "Pardon me." During all the squirming, Remy's mouth brushed up against Ginas's. They looked at each other, both quite embarrassed. "Um... s-sorr- uh..." Remy stuttered quietly as they slipped out of the crack. "Hey!" pinkie pie called from where she and Mikey stood further down the path. "Are you two coming or what?" Glancing at each other, they all walk off, side by side and laughing. After the sun set, Remy led Ginas to a grassy area where they laid on their backs and look at the stars, giggling. "Um- look..." Remy pointed to a constellation. "There's one that looks like a baby rabbit. See the fluffy tail?" "Yeah... hey!" Ginas nodded and pointed out another with a laugh while Remy grimaced. "There's one that looks like two tigers killing each other for a scrap of meat! Ah, I've never played this before." "Really?" Remy asked. "My father and I used to do this all the time. He says all the great kings of the past are up there." "You think shredder is up there?" Ginas asked quietly before getting up and moving off. "No one here thinks he's very great... do they? I never knew him, but he's still... part of me." "My father said there was a..." Remy paused as he got up and sat down next to Ginas, "darkness in shredder that he couldn't escape." "Maybe there's a darkness in me too." Ginas whispered quietly. With a soft smile, Remy held Ginas hand before pulling her into a hug, which was returned. Some distance away, Leo watched his son from a hill. "Father... I am lost." Leo addressed the sky. "Gains is one of them. The shredder's heir. How can I accept herm?" "Leo?" Liz asked as she approached the king from behind. "I was... seeking counsel from the Great kings ." Leo sighed as Liz nuzzled up to him with a sigh. "Did they help?" Liz questioned as they both looked up. "Silent as stars." Leo replied with a sight. "My father would never- " "Oh, Leo..." Liz chuckled, "you want so much to walk the path expected of you. Perhaps Ginas does not." "What?" Leo asked in surprise. "How do you know what-?" "I can see them down there just as easily as you can." Liz giggled softly as she gestured to Remy and Ginas. "Get to know him and see. Now let's go home. Remy can handle Ginas by himself for a few more hours." Liz turned and walked off. After a moment of hesitation and glance back at her son embracing the Outsider, Leo followed.

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