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Thank god school was out because of the crow attack. He knew something was up when the girls hit that deer last night. but right now scott was at Derek's. Derek. He could see derek today just like he planned.

He hopped out off the jeep and walked in to find Derek giving Issac medicine. Scott had explained on the phone that Issac was hurt. They all sighed in relief as Issac began to get better.

Stiles was pacing up and down, nervous as ever. Scott had convinced Derek to help him with the tattoo he got last night. Stiles had fainted at that and he really didn't want to faint now. Derek pulled out a blow torch and stiles felt is stomach flip as he realized what Derek would have to do to get the tattoo back. He instantly headed out but Derek grabbed him.

"I need you to hold him down," he said firmly. But Stiles couldn't hear what he was saying because he wasn't focused on the words. The authority in Derek's voice made him weak in the knees. He felt the instant desire to do whatever Derek wanted. He moved in a trance to hold his best friend down as Derek held the lighter to Scott's arm. He couldn't stop staring at Derek.

"You're staring," Derek said after Scott had passed out.
"Oh yeah, well, I was just wondering what you been up to you know? Like wolfy things. Werewolfy things," Stiles babbled, feeling instantly nervous at Derek pointing out his staring. "So yeah how are you doing?" He finished awkwardly.
"I'm fine Stiles," Derek stated, raising his eyebrows at him, looking at him like he was an absolute freak.

Stiles looked away. Who was he kidding? Telling Derek how he felt would only make him find Stiles more freaky. Stiles knew that look. Everyone at school looked at him that way. Like an annoyance they wished would just go away.

Derek stared at him. He could hear the frail boy's heartbeat. It always beat a little faster around him. He knew Stiles was a bit afraid of him. But it was much faster today. He watched Stiles curiously but Stiles refused to look at him.

"Stiles," he said. At that instant, Scott woke up and Stiles ran, practically tripping over his feet and grabbing Scott's jacket, eager to get away from there.

He could feel the anxiety swimming around inside him and the last thing he needed was to have a panic attack in front of Derek.

Stiles collapsed in the bed. This wasn't how today was supposed to go. There was an alpha pack in town. Another complete disaster that would probably kill them all. He was hoping for another supernatural mess so he could be close to Derek but now that he knew Derek was repulsed by him he wished everything and himself would just disappear.

He wrapped himself in a blanket with his laptop in his lap looking at the pictures of Derek he had... acquired through different means. He felt the tears welling up in his eyes and he slid down to the floor, feeling the sudden crash as he fought to breathe through a panic attack. He sobbed loudly, thankful he was home alone. He didn't want to worry his dad.

He suddenly felt someone's arms around him and he jumped, his heart leaping into his throat.

"Oh. I'm sorry. You seemed like you needed a hug..." Issac trailed off, backing away.

"It's okay. How are you doing?" Stiles asked, sniffling and wiping his tears away.

"All healed up," Issac said, smiling briefly before it turned into a concerned frown, "you don't seem to be doing okay," he stated.

"I'm fine," Stiles said shakily.

"Really? Cause I could here the cries and screams and hear your heart racing from all the way out there," Issac said, looking doubtful.

Stiles sighed. He really wasn't okay. The shock of being suddenly grabbed into a pretty aggressive hug had stopped the panic attack, but he could still feel the anxiety in his chest. But he didn't want to explain why he felt the way he did. Right now, the least people knew how he felt, the better. Plus Issac was sweet but he didn't know how to keep secrets. He might accidentally tell Derek over breakfast one morning. Then Stiles would really be screwed.

"Maybe...stay?" Stiles asked meekly. He didn't want to be alone either.

Issac stared at him and nodded, allowing Stiles to pull him to the bed. As Issac stared at him, he wondered why he felt the need to please the pale, frail , short boy. And did he always smell like that? So intoxicatingly good. He couldn't get enough of Stiles' scent.

They lied beside each other and Issac instantly spooned him, pulling Stiles into his own body and burying his face in the other boy's neck, inhaling lungfuls of the addicting scent.

Stiles squirmed, blushing. Issac was huge and powerful. Stiles found himself running his fingers up and down Isaac's arm that was securing his waist, liking the brush of his nose on his skin. Stiles felt safe. He closed his eyes, eventually drifting off to sleep like the wolf holding him.

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