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Isaac's p.o.v

I'm sitting in the couch, playing videogames. I look at the open book with my math homework. I hate homework. I have no idea what do but Stiles is at his therapy appointment. And Lydia is on a date with Aiden, and I know better than to ask Allison while Scott's there.

Derek opens the loft door, looking less sourwolf than usual. I can smell Miss Blake all over him so I guess they were on a date. I'm grateful he didn't bring her back with him. They've been dating for 3 months now and while Stiles has convinced me he's fine with it, I feel...weird whenever she's around. Maybe because they constantly make out on the couch in full display despite Cora's and I strong protests.

Also it could be the fact that Derek is my mate. I found out last month and I don't know how to tell Stiles. Because he's also my mate. But I don't know how he'll feel finding that out. I know Stiles still has pretty strong feelings for Derek. I can still see the way he looks at him and hear his heartbeat whenever we are around him. I don't want to hurt my boyfriend.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Um I still live here?" I answer, "Right?" I ask meekly.

"Yeah, but you are always with Stiles these days," he says. Is that jealousy I smell? I'm sure he hasn't noticed we are mates yet. I stare at him and accidentally stare into his eyes too long.

He raises an eyebrow, "Is there something going on I should know about?" He asks. I somehow managed to tear my eyes away from his.

"Nope. Definitely not, nothing at all," I say. Now the room is just reading all kinds of weird. I need to get out here.

I hit my knee on the coffee table as I grab my stuff and stumble out the room. I bite my lip as I go downstairs. I just realized it was getting too real for me not to tell Stiles. While I was staring in his eyes, it took every ounce of my control to not tackle him onto the floor and kiss him. I take a deep breath and make the decision. I pull out my phone and shoot a text to Stiles:

[Issac]: Hey I need to talk to you. I'm on my way.

Stiles' p.o.v.
I'm staring at Issac, my mouth open. He just told me Derek is his mate and so am I. He fidgets.

"Stiles, I'm sorry. I know you like him alot. If I could change this I would," he says. I snap back to the real world as I realize he thinks I'm upset.

I grab his face and kiss him, completely surprising him as I smile.

"Don't you see babe? This is awesome. If he's your mate then he's obviously mine too" I say. I then explain to him what polyamory is and how I thought some wolves could have more than one mates and how I thought that meant they were all connected.

Isaac's eyes light up.

"You really think it works like that?" He asks looked super excited.

"I mean, I guess. I asked Lydia and she agreed. And it would totally make sense why we both feel like this. I guess the only way to know for sure is to talk to Derek," I say, playing with my fingers. I really hope it's true but I am not prepared for what would happen if it wasn't.

Issac senses my misgivings and holds my hands,

"Hey even if it doesn't work that, you'll always be my mate and I'll  always love you," he says, smiling at me. His pure smile is so infectious I smile back, feeling a little better. But I still really hope Derek and I are mates.

I Wish I Was JenniferWhere stories live. Discover now