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Issac and Stiles sat on his bed, books scattered all over the bed from their homework. They sat, with Stiles between Isaac's legs and his back against the older boy's chest as they watched Star Wars on Stiles' laptop.

Stiles stared up at Issac. Over the past few weeks, Issac hadn't left his side. He watched over Stiles carefully, staying through his anxiety attacks. And sleeping in bed with him at nights. Stiles felt safe. But he couldn't stop thinking about Derek.

"What's wrong?" Issac asked. Stiles hesitated. He hadn't told Issac about his feelings for Derek. And he didn't know what they had yet, but stiles didn't want spoil it. He really liked whatever it was.

Issac could hear Stiles' heart racing and smell his anxiety.

"What's wrong?" He asked again, turning the other boy he cared so much for to face him. He was worried now.

Stiles stared up at Issac, seeing so much care for him in the boy's eyes. And knew he deserved the truth. He had deserved it weeks ago.

"Do you remember the night you found me? When I was having that anxiety attack. Well, I never told you why. It was about Derek," he started. Then he explained. Everything he felt for Derek, and the way he had planned to tell him on the first day of school. And how he felt when he realized that Derek would never see as anything except a freak. By the time he got to that part he was in tears.

Issac grabbed Stiles into a comforting hug.
"You're not a freak. And if he can't see that it's his loss. I'm no Derek but I..." Issac hesitated, afraid to embarrass himself by confessing his feelings.

"Talk to me please," Stiles urged. Issac bite his lip, giving him that adorable pleading puppy look. His feelings so obvious in his eyes, that he didn't even have to say anything. Stiles stared up at him. He wasn't used to have anyone look at him like that. He was the human in a pack of supernaturals. And before that, he was the freak. He was used to everyone looking at him with pity.

But now Issac was staring at him like he was the most amazing beautiful thing he had ever seen.  Stiles opened his mouth to say something, anything, but he was speechless. And it got worse as the other boy's eyes fell to his lips. He finally found words.

"So great movie huh? Star Wars is a great creation. Probably the greatest-" he was cut off by Issac smashing his lips to his. His eyes widened as he realized what was happening and settled into the kiss that surprisingly felt natural. He moved his lips in sync with Isaac's for what felt like an eternity but somehow not long enough. They both grinned at each other as they settled back to watching the movie, both knowing from that one kiss where they stood.

Derek sped down the road in his Camero. It had begun to rain, a really hard shower actually. But he was a werewolf, a little rain wouldn't be a problem. He had been around the town twice now. He still had doubts about going to see for himself.

What was he so afraid of? Why did he even care what or who Stiles was with? He rolled his eyes, becoming increasingly annoyed with himself and finally decided to wolf up and drive to the Stilinski residence.

He gripped the wheel, realizing now he was almost feral as he saw his claws and felt his fangs. He took a glance up in the mirror and sure enough, red alpha eyes looked back at him. He tried relaxing a bit, wondering since when did he get upset about Stiles' personal life.

That's when he saw the car. He yanked the steering wheel, barely missing the car by an inch as he jammed the brakes. Somehow the shock of that calmed him and he felt his human side take back control. He thanked God for that He got out of the car to investigate.

He found a car with a flat tire and a very frustrated woman, soaking wet, fighting to get it off. That's when he realized he recognized her. She was that English teacher at the high school. He had saved her weeks back.

He flashed her a smile, "here, let me help," he said, taking the tool from her. She sighed.

"Oh thank you, Derek? Was it?" She said. She looked miserable and she smelled it too.

"Yeah, and you're Jennifer," he said as he easily changed the tires. She sighed in relief.

"You are such a lifesaver, let me buy you some coffee at least. You're completely soaked," her eyes didn't leave his abs that were clearly defined in his now soaked t-shirt. He could smell her sexual attraction to him and she was really pretty. And he'd always liked girls. Only girls.

"Sure, let's go. I'll follow you in the car," he said, smiling charmingly at her.

I Wish I Was JenniferWhere stories live. Discover now