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Derek's p.o.v.

I frown, knocking on Stiles' door again. I know he's here. I can smell him, and his Jeep is parked in the driveway. I take a deep breath, trying to convince myself not to kick down the door in the way of telling my mate how I felt.

I knock again, harder this time. Issac snatches my arm.

"Something is wrong," he says. I turn to him, seeing the worry.

"What is it? Stiles?" I ask gently. He nods.

"His heart. It was racing. Now I can't hear it," he says. That's the moment I become aware of the smell of blood. I'm not imagining it, the look on Isaac's face tells me everything I need to know.

I kick the door down, and race upstairs. I remember exactly where Stiles' room is. I head straight for it, alarmed that the smell is coming from his room.

I stop short, Issac slamming into my back. Stiles is sitting on the floor, his back resting against the bed. His slit wrists are between his outstretched legs and he's sitting in a pool of his own blood, even paler than usual and unconscious.

"What's wrong?" he asks. But I'm too busy panicking to speak. He looks around me and sees Stiles and runs to him, sliding in the pool as he grabs our mate's face, screaming his name. To my horror and further panic, Issac moves Stiles' head to reveal that his neck had been cut open too.

"Derek, help me," Issac begs.

I snap out of it and pick Stiles up.

"Get the car door," I instruct Issac. I race to the hospital before Issac even closes the door.

Issac and I are sitting in the waiting room. Issac had the common sense to call Scott's mom while we were on the way here, so she was waiting to take the Stiles the minute we came in. He also texted the pack.

"I don't know what I would do without you," I whisper as I kiss his head. We are sitting on the floor, our backs pressed against the wall as we sit in each other's arms.

Melissa comes out, covered in blood. She looks around and we stand up so she can find us, me pulling a pale, shaking Issac against me.

"He's going to be fine. He won't wake up for a while. But we stitched him up and gave him some blood. Tell me you caught whatever did this," she says, looking worried.

"He did this to himself," I say. Her eyes widen.

"I'm going to call Noah," she says.

"I- um, I already did. He's out of town, he's on his way back," Issac whispers. Melissa sighs and nods.

"Did you tell him?" she asks, referring to Stiles' accident.

"No. I thought it would be better to wait til he got here...." Issac trails off, shuddering in my arms. She nods.

"That's a good idea. Good thinking," she says, rubbing his arm. Issac smiles, barely and I feel my heart pound a bit faster in my chest. He really doesn't look well.

Suddenly there's chaos.

"Stiles! Where the hell is he? What did you do this time?" Sheriff Stilinski is demanding answers from the pack and he has that look he gets on his face when we get into trouble. I feel Issac shudder and everyone has pained looks on their faces. All I can smell is guilt and sadness from the pack. I guess we are thinking the same thing. How could we not tell Stiles was in trouble? I can't imagine alone and depressed he must have felt to go that far. We all knew his mental health history and his mom's and we weren't watching over him. I wasn't watching over him. He needed me and I wasn't there for him. I feel that familar anger. It's same anger that I've been feeling for years. The anger I felt when I come home to my entire family dead and the family house was just a burned out shell. I wasn't there for my family when they needed me either.

Melissa appears at the door and all I can smell is the panic. It's all over her face too as I become aware of the loud demanding alarm going off from Stiles' life support machines, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I need help in here!" she yells.

I Wish I Was JenniferWhere stories live. Discover now