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It was pack night and Stiles was excited. He was secretly looking forward to seeing Derek tonight. And he was so grateful that Issac had been so understanding about his feelings for Derek.

"Babe, you got to wake up, he said, shaking a sleeping Issac.

"Mmm, more pancakes Stiles," he mumbled, making Stiles.

"No. Not food. It's pack night. Derek will kill us if we're late," he said. Issac bolted up, the fear of making his alpha mad was enough motivation for him to be wide awake. Within minutes, he was ready.

Stiles stared at him in amazement.

"Well, now I know how to get you up," he said. Issac groaned.

"Don't you dare."

Stiles giggled, "let's go my adorable puppy," he said, watching Isaac's eyes light up at the endearment.

They walked in, hand in hand. Stiles blushed at all the eyes on them. He pouted as he realized Derek wasn't around. He wanted to see his reaction to him and Isaac. Issac smelled his boyfriend's disappointment and rubbed his head, gaining a smile from him.

A/n~ I'm gonna start doing p.o.v. at most points.

Stiles' p.o.v.

I can't sit still. Derek is taking forever to get here. And that's so unlike him. I start overthinking. What if he's hurt out there somewhere? The pack is always in danger. But there haven't been any recent threats. But even then, things always get us by surprise.

I'm about to suggest that we go look for him when he bursts in. With a girl? I look closer and realize it's not just any girl. It was Ms. Blake.

They are both giggling and they're walking hand in hand. I stare in horror, feeling my stomach sinking and swallowing itself as my anxiety threatens to take ahold of me. Issac holds my hand, smelling my anxiety. I smile at him, appreciating him being there for me. Then I become aware of my best friend snarling and growling like he wants to rip Derek to shreds.

I rush over to him, grabbing his arm. I can't say anything, you know, werewolf hearing and all, but I hoped just a gesture would get Scott to understand. Derek could be with anyone he wanted. As long as he was happy. That's all I wanted for him.

Scott looks at me and I smile at him and he instantly gets it. I sigh with relief that for once, my best friend wasn't so slow.

Derek's p.o.v.
Everyone is staring at me. The girls are glaring at me and Scott just growled at me. Issac won't look at me but I can smell the disappointment. Not just from him but from everyone. What is going on?

I guess Jennifer can't read the room cause she gives everyone a sunny greeting.

"Hi everyone. Wow, I know all of you," she said, smiling her beautiful smile.

"So, you know Derek's a werewolf?" Lydia asked, ignoring her greeting.

"Of course I do. He told me everything," she said.

"He told me everything," Erica mimicked under her breath and Boyd laughs out loud then coughs. I raise an eyebrow at them, I didn't expect such a hostile greeting from the pack. They are always teasing me to get a love life.

Stiles gets up and yells, "I'm getting a meat pizza with all the toppings!"

Liam groans, "No dude, your toppings are all weird," Hayden laughs at the look on his face.

"I mean Stiles eats alot so we're going to need alot of pizza. So just get some with the stuff you like," Mason says.

"I'm ordering," Stiles yells.

"No!" Most of the teenagers yell as they start bickering over who gets to order. Just like that the tension is gone. Stiles looks at me and winks and I realize he distracted them on purpose. I smile my thanks at him and I swear he blushes as he turns away.

I Wish I Was JenniferWhere stories live. Discover now