Riodanverse incorrect quotes

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Again...the latest chapter is taking some time...cause I'm lazy and when I get home unmedicated (I blame my doctor)

But here's some filler to hopefully keep you guys entertained.

Also suggest some oneshots cause I might write some so I can get into the grove of writing (currently you can request)


Percy: "I'm so mature!"
(Y/n): "Percy yesterday you were crying about snakes"
Percy: *in tears* "they don't have legs"


Leo: *hits Nico with a tool"

Hazel: "so how was the honey moon?"
Frank: "(y/n) got drunk and tried to set our marriage certificate on fire while screaming "good luck trying to return me without the receipt", so it went amazing"


(Y/n): "Leo has no upper body strength"
Leo: "I know but hey!"


Kidnapper: "I have your son"
(Y/n): "I have no son?"
Kidnapper: "then who is this crying about giving him fish sticks?"
(Y/n): "Oh my gods they have Percy"


Nico: *is very sleep deprived*
(Y/n): *teases him*
Nico: "does my s/o hate me or do I just need to go to sleep?"


Leo: "an ant went into my head and is going to eat me brain!"
Nico: "It's going to starve"


Jason: "how did the date go?"
Nico: "I wanted to compliment them, Tell them they had a wonderful smile and all that."
Jason: "What happened?"
Nico: "They smiled at me and I said 'You had eye"


(Y/n): "You're smiling, did something good happen?"
Alex: "I cant smile because I feel like it?"
TJ: "Magnus tripped and fell during training, stabbing himself"


Hearthstone: "can you do the thing?"
(Y/n): "hm? what thing?"
Hearthstone: "the thing that never fails to make me happy"
(Y/n): "oh"
(Y/n): *smiles*
Hearthstone: "thanks"


Magnus: "It's really muggy out today"
(Y/n): "If I walk outside and all our mugs are on the front lawn I'm going to kill you"
Magnus: *sips coffee from a bowl*


(Y/n) "hey Neeks how much money do you have"
Nico: "69 cents"
(Y/n): "ha you know what that means!"
Nico: *tearing up* "I don't have enough money for chicken nuggets"


(Y/n): "i never used to understand how someone could kill another person and then I heard about Hearth's parents and i was like 'oh yeah, i mean i'm not going to but i totally get it'"


(Y/n): *blows a kiss*
Alex: *catches it*
(Y/n): :D
Alex: *puts it in the blender and turns it on*
(Y/n): ;-;


(Y/n): "i don't know what my body is for other then taking my head from room to room and hugging Will"


(Y/n): "it's guaranteed that if i ran at Jason right now he would catch me"
Leo: "Okay bet"
(Y/n): *runs full speed at Jason*
Jason: "wait no i have coffee" *drops coffee and catches you anyway*

Will: "there is only one thing worse then dying, boom!" *rips paper to show "(y/n) dying"
(Y/n): *gasp* "me"
Will: "Baby, no"

(Used an Oc for this)

Akuma: "I'm cold"
Nico: "oh" *gives them his jacket"
(Y/n): "I'm cold too"
Will: "What? *taking off his coat* I told you to bring more layers but of course you didn't listen! *pulling his scarf on top of you* I have to make sure you don't FREEZE to death! *taking someone's beanie* How long have you been cold? You should've said something sooner!"


Magnus: "Sam it'll be fine, it's just a crush"
(Y/n): "Hi Maggie"
Magnus: "I love you"
Sam: *facepalming*

(Shut up I'm soft for there friendship)
Leo: "I dare you to kiss the next person who enters the room"
Nico: "I'm not kissing anyon-"
(Y/n): *enters room*
Nico: "fiiiiiiiine, OnLy BecAuSe YoU tOlD mE tO"

Okay I love you byeeeeeeeee

Ps thanks for not killing me and not being pissed I don't update (hopefully)

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