Dating Percy Jackson would include

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-cuddling all the time, like all the time my gods.

- "(y/n/n) come on come cuddle with me"

- "Perce I need to go talk to Annabeth!"

- "Meh she can wait!"

-spending time in his cabin since he is the only one in his cabin

-he smells like sea foam

-Going on dates to aquariums and him telling you what the fish and sea animals are saying.

-Percy talking to the fish and sea animals and getting people to look at him weird.

-him always paying for things even if you insist.

- "No, No, No, No I got it (y/n) put your money away!"

- "Perce I'm the one that wanted ice cream!"


-constant whining about everything and nothing.

-comforting him when things get too stressful for him.

-comforting him when he has a nightmare, and him doing the same for you.

-most of the time having at least one Hickey. It doesn't mean you guys did anything he just likes giving you hickeys.

-he's kinda smug about them 

-he's into PDA 

-He'll hug you, kiss you, carry you around

-Him protecting you during battles, you're in the back of his mind all the time.

-Under water dates and kisses

-Him showing you everything underwater

-you may or may not have gotten chased by a shark



-Sally loving you, Percy's little sister

-Percy finding it cute when you hang out with his sister (kinda get's baby fever for a bit after)

-if you spend to much time focusing on his baby sister he will get jealous and start to whine


-"what" you'd say while playing with Percy's sister

- he just starts nudging you

-always has to be touching you in some way

-stealing riptide only for it to come back to him

-"Dang it!"

- "(y/n) you have to just stop trying to take riptide, it's not going to work"

-he can make you blush anytime

-him making you laugh all the time because Percy is very funny

- when you guys cuddle you mess up his hair more

-his grin is your weakness(I mean who can resist that smile?)

-being best friend's with Annabeth and Grover

-always knowing when he's upset

-"what's wrong"

- "nothing! Everything is great!"

- "I know there not"

-him being the same with you

-first kiss was started by him lol

-his lips taste like salt water but in a good way 

-him teaching you how to skateboard and getting scared if you get hurt at all, even if it's just a small scrape he starts worrying.

-"oh my god's! (Y/n) ARE YOU OK?" 

-"Perce, yeah I'm fine it's just a bump"

-"What if it get's infected!" 

-Him teaching you how to ride a Pegasus

-meeting BlackJack

- "Back off Blackjack she's mine!"

- "What'd he say"

-Percy getting mad

- "Nothing!"

-constantly stealing kissing, both of you

-getting caught makingout by literally everyone, y'all aint as sly as you think.

-trying to go to the woods to makeout

-guess what?

-y'all get caught by the nymphs

-having to do extra chorus because of it

- "Come on! (y/n) it was worth it!"

- gives him a death glare

- totally was worth it

-happens again 

-talking about wanting to settle down one day and have a family of your own

-stealing his swim team hoodie

-people flirting with him all the time

-getting jealous a lot because, come on, who doesn't want a piece of that 

-him not noticing because he is oblivious 

- "so, You're that hero, Percy right?"

-you'll just grab on to him

-"fuck off!"

-Percy just laughing while giving you a kiss on the forehead 

-He's a jealous boyfriend and he can't deny it

-theres no real reason he get's jealous he's just the jealous type

-Overall a very healthy relationship

-y'all have the relationship everyone want's


 a/n: words: 648 words

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