Dating Frank Zhang Would Include

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Frank Zhang:

-awwwwwwww nervous bby

-almost killed himself when he tried asking you out for the first time

- "How did her break his arm and get a concussion?"

- "I don't know he was saying something and tripped"

-"on what?"


-he asked Hazel for advise how to ask you out the second time

-when he did he could barely speak

- "I was umm w-won-dering if you umm w-w-wondering I umm mean...."

- "Yes i'd liked to go on a date"

- He's too nervous to cuddle at first

-like when you guys first had to share a bed he slept on the floor

-we was nervous

-but he does hold your hand

-always, no like always

-can't do PDA he will die

-because he is a tall boy you have to pull on his shirt to kiss him

-first kiss again, would have to be started by you

- "Hey Frank?"

- "umm yeah?"

- "Can I kiss you"

-He just blushes and nods (Im dying)

-when he wants a kiss he won't say "I want a kiss" or like just try to pull you in

-he will just kinda tap you with a big blush while looking down

-but like surprisingly an amazing kisser

-like what?

-he didn't really date anyone before you (well he will in one preferences I'm making but shhhhhhhh) so you're like ?????

- "Where did you learn that?"

- "learn what?"

-if you guys are caught kissing he would be so embarrassed

-10/10 most voted to not makeout with you until you guys are farther into the relationship  

-he turns to random animals to make you laugh

-he will also turn to animals when he is sick when he sneezes

-if you get sick he will try his hardest to take care of you

-he really does

-but he just ends up getting sick himself

-that or his help is kinda bad sometimes? Like brings you all the medicine so you have to look through all of them to make sure you're taking the right one 

- gets jealous a lot

-he's another insecure boy

-he's scared he isn't "manly" enough for you

-when he's jealous he just kinda gets sad

-he'll do some random act of affection like going on an impromptu date or giving you gifts to "win you back"

- "H-here this is for you"

- "Oh thanks Frank"

-you don't get jealous that often not many girls are waiting for him.

-like maybe you're jealous Hazel but you know she's too kind to do anything to your relationship

-that being said you're like best friends with Hazel, she's just so kind!

-Frank will teach you how to use a bow and arrow because he is great at it

-before you guys get together he tries to impress you with his archery skills but he was too nervous to get the target

- you teach him how to use (y/w) (your weapon)

-making jokes about him being Canadian

- "oh I'm sorry"

- "Frank that's a tree"

- "Oh I'm sorry"

-you don't know if he's joking or not

-Meeting his grandmother and her threatening you telling you if you hurt frank...

-Celebrating when he becomes praetor with food and a date

-you're with him when his grandmother passes away

-you comfort him about it and just are someone he talks to

-helping him when his praetor duties get to be to much

-probably wouldn't leave a hickey on you

-if he did it's somewhere you can cover up let's be real


537 words

Ok so Franks Is done, It ended up being longer than I thought it would be, but it's fine. Frank needs more love so... So where almost through all the Hero's of Olympus boy's. 

Next Up is...: WILL SOLACE 

He's one of my favorites, my sunshine bby boy. I love him so much I'm so excited. 

Will: Awww that's nice I'm your favorite

Me: Wait? How did you get in here? This isn't your story!

Will: Oh well you know....

Me: I said ONE of my favorite's

Frank: Hey! This is my chapter!

Me: oh jeez ok whatever I need to finish these announcements

Percy Jackson (X)

Jason Grace (X)

Leo Valdez (X)

Nico Di Angelo (X)

Frank Zhang (X)

Will Solace (X)

Magnus Chase ( )

Hearthstone ( )

Alex Fierro ( )

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