Book 14

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Ok I know this is very very late but I have some stuff to say about Book 14.

Before I start, I really really loved Book 14, and I'm not trying to criticize and be mean, I'm just giving my personal opinion.

Also major spoilers if you haven't read the book yet!

So I want to begin with Crystal. 

Crystal was a hyped-up villain, and took up half of Snowfall's daily stress, but it turned out she just ran away with a MudWing - which I find very cute actually - but it was kind of anticlimactic. 

And since the other half of Snowfall's stress is evil NightWings - of which there is none - that means she's just insanely paranoid, which can get a little bit annoying sometimes, but I can relate to worrying about nothing, since it's what I do all day. 

Before Book 14, I positively hated Snowfall. To me she was just a princess who was was too small for her crown (which as it turns out she was), and in Books 7 and 10 I found her annoying, but Book 14 let me see what was really going on inside her head, and I ended up feeling kind of sorry for her, stuck in an important position with no idea how to lead. 

I love how she destroyed the Rankings Wall (I forgot what it was actually called) - I always hated how the IceWings ranked actual living dragons like mere numbers, but I guess that's what made the IceWings who they are, and when Snowfall destroyed it, it seemed like a little bit of a temper tantrum to me.

I love Lynx and Mink. Epic characters.

I feel like Winter has had a lot of character development going on between Books 10 and 14. To me, he seemed a little less fancy-prince and a lot more calm. I love that the characters from Dragonslayer have made an appearance too, especially Wren shocking everyone by speaking Dragon. I really want Peril and Sky to meet as well.

Can I just talk about the enchanted ring? I think it was called the Gift of Vision, made by Opal the IceWing (who was probably a princess since all IceWing animi were royal) a long long time ago. 

I think that was the main source of Snowfall's character development, because instead of seeing everyone as an immediate enemy, she saw things through their eyes, with their opinions.

Also Opal is a very smart animus, to enchant a gift that would be so useful. I was thinking about it, and it might have been a gift kind of like the Eye of Onyx. Meant for the queen to reign supreme, but instead did things a lot more fair. I'm guessing either Opal or someone close to her was a lot like Snowfall, and really needed to see things from another dragon's perspective. 

Or maybe there was just a really bad queen and Opal wanted to annoy her by making the ring never come off until the queen learns her lesson. Oh wait-

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