More Book 15 Theories

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Ok now that the cover and description of Book 15 is out, I wanna say some stuff.

What I think, is that everything can be used as a clue to something that will happen. For example, in Book 2, the title is the Lost Heir, and Tsunami is the lost heir to the SeaWing throne. The cover shows Tsunami looking a little panicked underwater, which references to how uncomfortable she felt in the ocean, but how much she wanted it to be her home. I'm gonna look at Book 15 from this angle as well.

Starting with the title, The Flames of Hope. Flames will probably have something to do with flamesilk, and even the cover shows Luna spinning her fiery silk. So this brings me to my first theory.

Remember in Book 13, how Queen Sequoia told everyone about the Legend of the Hive? How all the attacks from the animals were in complete unison, and what saved the dragons was their flamesilks, who burned the animals. This could be massive foreshadowing.

The animals in the Legend of the Hive are now the dragons being controlled by the Othermind. (It's likely those animals were controlled too). So if it is foreshadowing, the key to destroying it is to burn it, which makes sense, since the Othermind is a plant and it can burn. But there are a number of other problems. 

When the Othermind has control over a dragon, it stays that way. So even if the plant is destroyed, the Othermind can just hop from dragon to dragon, and it's impossible to just kill all the dragons it controlled. Especially since those dragons are many innocent HiveWings and SilkWings, a large amount of LeafWing soldiers including Sequioa, and of course Blue and Swordtail. But then again... I'll come back to this later.

So if we ignore all the other complications, the simplest way to defeat the Othermind is to destroy the plant. My guess as to how this will happen is that Luna will round up Admiral and the others from the flamesilk cavern to help, but also, Pyrrhian representatives were sent to Pantala as well. Various representatives could breathe fire, and there would also be a RainWing to help with venom. So that's that, but how do they get to the core?

In the epilogue of Book 14, we see three scavengers in an underground cavern (possibly the very same cavern Blue and the others hid in), and one of the scavengers - I think it was Vole - told the other one - I think it was Raven - to find a certain dragon. But who is this dragon?

It would be hard to determine who Vole is talking about. My first guess is Luna, since she's the protagonist of Book 15. Or maybe Vole is possessed by the Othermind and he's asked for Sundew so the Othermind can control her and grow. Can the Othermind possess scavengers?

The core of the Othermind could also be in that same cave.

Ok, coming back to what I said I would come back to before, getting rid of the Othermind from everyone. As we know, Hawthorn had 50 years worth of research on an antidote - some research was from before he got possessed - so his hut or wherever he lived might have some clues. But is there's nothing there - and there probably is nothing - then what?

Killing everyone who's been controlled seems like the only solid solution, but of course thats completely crazy and would probably never happen.

Is it possible some of the LeafWings could find something in the jungle? Maybe some sort of healing plant...


The RainWings use tranquilizer darts, right? And obviously whatever's in the dart has to be sourced from a plant. So, what if the LeafWings find a plant that can knock everyone out without doing any damage, then find a way to kill the Othermind while it has nobody to control? Sundew and Mandrake could grow the tranq-plant and then burn it to send the smoke everywhere - just like they did with the Breath of Evil. Everyone in the Othermind's army would inhale it and instantly fall asleep, leaving the others to save the day.

And this could be likely as well, since there are Pyrrhian representatives going to Pantala, and one of them is a RainWing, who has tranq-plant knowledge!

I'm leaving this on a high note, I can't wait until Book 15 comes out!


Yeah my last theory is not so good now, I just remembered Wasp burnt the Poison Jungle down and there's nothing left so tranq-plant idea goes down too. unless a RainWing brings it.

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