NightWing Oneshot

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A/N: Found this as a writing prompt, let me know if you want me to make it an actual story!

Capella, Mystery, and Hope were the best of friends. They had been since childhood, where their friendship was instantly secure as they were the only dragonets in the wingery for years. 

The NightWing island was probably the absolute worst place ever. All three agreed that the rainforest was a far better place, but none of them were willing to kill innocent RainWings for it. Well, Pella wasn't. She'd never asked Mystery or Hope about their opinions. It was just too dangerous. Having opinions in general was just dangerous right now - Princess Greatness had almost executed a guard last week for daring to question the queen's orders. (The guard wasn't executed - since the NightWings couldn't spare anyone - but he was sent to the furthest outpost on the island, and his eating turns were skipped).

Pella was glad she wasn't on the queen's Council. Mystery was, and he got to go to the mainland with Morrowseer twice a week. Mystery was one of the queen's fake seers, whose job was to create prophecies about NightWing superiority and spread them around the other tribes. Pella knew he hated his job - he had a younger sibling that he never spent any time with since he was away so much. Hope was in the Council too, but as the youngest member, he rarely got any say in anything at all.

Pella was the oddball. She wasn't part of the Council, she wasn't a guard, she rarely hunted, and she didn't work for Mastermind. She sort of just... existed. But she had plans to change that. Big plans. Any they wouldn't only change her, but the rest of the NightWing tribe.

That was why she was meeting with Mystery and Hope instead of eating. Over her years of doing nothing, Pella had only one hobby. It wasn't one the other NightWings were familiar with - of course, they didn't like anything even remotely cheerful - but thousands of years ago, back in the real Night Kingdom, it used to be quite popular.

Pella had fashioned herself a guitar, and after a lot of practice, got very good at it. She knew for a fact that Mystery owned drums - he'd brought them back as a souvenir after going to the Kingdom of Sand - and that Hope was open to trying anything new, so she gathered them together to propose an idea.

"Everyone on this island, including ourselves, is busy. Nobody has time for anything, and they're all stressed. Everybody hates everyone else, and seriously, nobody cares enough to have any scrap of compassion for those poor RainWings!" Pella said indignantly, keeping her voice low. Who knows when the queen might be watching. "So, all we have to do is find a way to un-stress them."

"That's impossible," Mystery said, ever the pessimist. 

"I'm ready to try it," Hope argued. He was the complete opposite of Mystery, and probably the only optimistic NightWing on the volcano.

"Our tribe haven't heard even a note of music since Darkstalker died, thousands of years ago. I say we bring it back."

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