WoF and Warriors

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So I was catching up on all the Warrior Cats books I've missed (I haven't read it for a long time...) and I noticed something while reading Goosefeather's Curse.

Goosefeather and Clearsight are very very similar.
- They can both see future events
- They both have visions of one particular cat/dragon

And although they have their differences, they're just....almost the same?

Now I'm wondering if there are any other Wof/Warriors similarities...I mean, obviously villains could match villains, and heroes could match heroes, but what about more specific things?

Like... Tigerclaw and Darkstalker could match because they both wanted to rule over everything, but they're also very very different too...

Also another thing I've noticed about Warriors is that the cats seem to change a lot...

In Tallstar's Revenge, Stagleap is a WindClan cat, but somehow now in Goosefeather's Curse, he's in ThunderClan. And I've read this happen a few times actually... 

In the second(???) arc, Sharpclaw became Sharptooth for no reason at all. 8-year-old me was so confused reading that.

Dovewing had three different eye colours described in different books.

In the books Yellowfang's Secret and Tallstar's Revenge, there's a scene that brings the two main characters of each together, but it's different in each one:
In Yellowfang's Secret, Shrewpaw's mentor is Redclaw, but in Tallstar's Revenge, his metor is Haretail, and Tallpaw is a warrior already in Yellowfang's Secret, but Tallpaw and Shrewpaw are actually the same age.

Also what's up with the Warriors Super Editions connecting with each other? Yellowfang's Secret and Tallstar's Revenge have similar covers, and the characters meet somewhere in it. Same with Bluestar's Prophecy and Crookedstar's promise, AND with Firestar's Quest and Cloudstar's Journey. But then (from what I know) from Bramblestar's Storm, Mothflight's Vision, and onward, they're stand-alone stories?? (Although I could see how some of them that have cats from the same clan in them would have them there, like Crookedstar's Promise and Leopardstar's Honor).

And then idk if it was just a thing with the one I got, or of all of them are the same, but some of the pages in Firestar's Quest didn't match up, only for a small scene near the middle. I had to go back and forth between the pages to read it properly.

And there's also a lot of other stuff that I've noticed over time as well... I can't remember it all because I haven't read most of these books for years... and also this is meant to be a thing about WoF not about Warriors...

And also back to Goosefeather and Clearsight...

Goosefeather saw EVERYTHING. At his first visit to the Moonstone (almost typed in Moonpool lol, I'm too used to reading only that arc) he foresaw literally everything happening.

He didn't see every timeline like Clearsight did, but he still saw everything that did end up happening way long after he dies. And I'm only halfway through Goosefeather's Curse and I bet I will find more similarities.

WoF Stuff: Ideas, Theories, OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt