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Taehyung sat quietly against a tree, as he stared up at the sky, which was giving off an awful vibe. The seldom thundering amongst the advancing grey clouds, made him flinch, as he rubbed his arms slowly.

It was a nice time to rewind the days they spent here. Jeongguk and him. The day they found themselves stuck in the island, then cooperating with each other, coping with a literal dead body, treating each other, talking 'normally', helping each other and eventually becoming friends.

It felt like everything happened just so that they could be in better terms. Even if it was just an accidental situation, he believed that it happened for the greater good.

But, they could not survive in the wild for long, could they?

However, Taehyung could shamelessly admit that he was quite enjoying this. Living in a remote land, without any technology, pollution, arrogant 'elite' people- could be acceptable, if seen from a broader view. The cool summer breeze, waking up to the chirping of birds, eating fruits and fish, drinking water from the lake, frequent jumps into the sea, laughing and goofing around the bonfire every night... and Jeongguk.

His smile faltered. At the end of the day, hugging Jeongguk's arm to sleep had become a habit. Funny, wasn't it? It had been just barely fifteen to eighteen days and he was already so used to having Jeongguk with him. His name would mechanically slip past his lips, whenever he was either in trouble or he saw something interesting that he wanted Jeongguk to see too. Perhaps, it was because Jeongguk was the only one with him at the moment. They only had each other. Taehyung guessed that was it.


The b(rown)lond haired looked up at the call to find Jeongguk running towards him before stopping and catching his breath.

"Yeah?" Taehyung smiled, when he plopped down beside him, sighing.

"Have you ever thought why the poacher was here in the first place?" Jeongguk asked, looking at Taehyung with amusement written on his face.

Taehyung frowned, "Are you retarded or something? What type of a question is that? To hunt obviously."

Jeongguk looked at him blankly, "You think deer and elks live here? On an island like this?" He scoffed, "You seriously graduated high-school without cheating? I can't bring myself to trust you."

"Oh, shut up!" Taehyung glared at him, crossing his arms on his chest, "Don't talk in circles and get straight to the point."

Jeongguk chuckled, looking at him pouting, before shaking his head, "Those animals are not what he came here for. He had already got them in the mainlands. He came here specifically for a bird."

"A bird?" Taehyung frowned.

"A peacock to be precise." Jeongguk said.

"Why would he come here for a peacock? I don't understand. There's so many peacocks that he can find in the mainland." Taehyung tilted his head, confused.

"It's not some ordinary peacock, Tae. It looks so damn pretty. Like, the wings are more spread out than ever." Jeongguk explained, eyes gleaming in fascination, "The colour's a royal blue. And it is larger in size too. In short, it's a totally different type of bird. Absolutely surreal."

Taehyung jumped to his feet, "Really? Show me then! Show me! Show me, right now!" He demanded, gripping Jeongguk's arm and pulling him up to his feet, who grunted at his actions.

"Calm down, puppy." Jeongguk flicked his forehead and Taehyung whined, pushing him away. Jeongguk sighed, gripping him by his arms and turning him around.

"Don't go crying now."

Taehyung cooed, looking back at him. "Jeonggukie is so sweet." He pinched Jeongguk's cheeks who grunted swatting his hands away. He turned around immediately and started walking towards the forest. He did not want Taehyung to see his pink dusted cheeks.

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