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Jeongguk sighed softly, ruffling his hair as he looked back at Taehyung who was silently sitting by the window, watching the heavy downpour outside. Ever since Jeonnguk had confessed to him about loving someone, Taehyung had been that way.

He slowly walked towards the blond, settling down just beside him, but left a small space between them. He took in a breath to say something but sighed again, when nothing came out.

"You know what we should be doing right now?" Taehyung said finally, turning himself a little to look at Jeongguk pointedly. "Talk. Let's talk."

The ferocity in his tone made Jeongguk flinch a little, before he was looking away.

"And for a fact, it should be you who will be answering and I'll be the one asking you. Are we good to go?" Taehyung tilted his head, resting his elbow on his folded knee.

Jeongguk nodded mutely, tonguing at his inner cheek.

"Coolness." Taehyung muttered, the questions bothering him wanting to break free all at once. "Who is it that you love?"

Jeongguk snickered bitterly, "I'm not obliged to tell you tha-"

"Are you cheating on them?" Taehyung said in a slightly raised voice.

"What?" Jeongguk chuckled in disbelief. "What's that abou-"

"You kissed me!" Taehyung yelled, taking a deep breath before continuing in a lower tone. "And I kissed you too."

Jeongguk inhaled sharply, "I'm not dating anyone."

"So, it's one-sided?" Taehyung said, not mindful of the relief that flooded through his veins, because there were matters more pressing.

"Most probably." Jeongguk avoided his eyes.

"And just because you're a coward and can't confess, you're going around... finding distractions..." Taehyung trailed off, pursing his lips into what seemed like something between a grimace and a mocking smirk. Jeongguk looked at him with brows furrowed.

"Taehyung, what is this about?"

"What do you think it is about?" Taehyung croaked, voice cracking at the edges. "What am I, a fucking playground for you to trample on with your feet whenever you want? You've been a fucking enigma since I saw you the first time."

Taehyung leaned back against the wall. "All you've been doing is confusing me to your heart's content. Have you ever been mindful of what I was going through? What those actions of yours put me through? The mixed signals that you give... the hope they ignite?"

Jeongguk stayed annoyingly quiet. Taehyung huffed, looking away.

"And you suddenly disappear. Without a notice... a word." Taehyung shook his head slowly, "I got to know from Yuna two weeks later that you were in the military. Why did I have to know it from her, out of all people?"

"Taehyung, I-"

"I-I thought... you..." He looked down, lower lip quivering a little, but he bit on it, "I thought you liked me." He whispered, making Jeongguk's eyes widen. "I wanted to talk to you at our graduation party, but... you never showed up. And I realised then, how wrong I was at reading the situation." He looked back at Jeongguk reluctantly, "I might have caught some feelings for you, but-"

"Taehyung..." Jeongguk breathed out, looking at him with absolute disbelief and Taehyung might have mistaken the slight glistening of his eyes with the reflection of the rain outside. "Taehyung, I d-"

"No, just shut up! You've given me enough insight, let me do the talking instead." Taehyung hissed.

"I might have had feelings, but you proved that I wasn't worthy enough to know that you were leaving. I knew then that I was wrong and you didn't like me."

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