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Taehyung stirred in his sleep, pouting grumpily, as he raised his head from Jeongguk's chest, who was snoring and still fast asleep. He thought he heard something, but disregarded it as his misapprehension, before looking down at Jeongguk's face, who he was lying on top of.

The blond could still hardly believe it. Jeongguk loved him– the one whom he had the worst memories with, till just a few days ago. He was kind of grateful to the storm to bring them together, make them talk things out and let him know the truth about 'Jongin-la-bitch.' It honestly felt like this was a plan made by their string of fate, just to tie them together.

He grinned sleepily, blinking, before burying his face back in Jeongguk's chest, planning to sleep peacefully again. But, this time the sound was too loud and clear to be just a delusion.

"Tae! Gguk! Are you there?"

"Jimin?" Taehyung whispered to himself, his eyes opening wide, as he immediately rolled off of the younger and sat up alarmed.

"Jimin, calm down."

It was Namjoon's voice.

He gasped, immediately shaking Jeongguk by his shoulders. "Ggukkie! Wake up! I think Jimin is here!" He huffed when the other wouldn't budge.

He stood up, jumping on his toes, before finally kicking Jeongguk's ass, who groaned, rolling to his side.

"The heck!" He blinked open his eyes, rubbing his butt, before turning to look at Taehyung, who was tugging at his arm impatiently. "Tae!"

"C'mon! Get up! I hear Jimin and hyung!" He yelled and Jeongguk's ears perked up at the sound coming from outside.

"Did you hear that? It was Taehyung's voice!"

Jeongguk gaped, standing up with a stumble, as he followed Taehyung, who was already opening the door.

And Taehyung halted immediately when he saw his family scattered around with hopeful looks on their faces.

"Taehyung?" Namjoon was the first to spot him and the next moment, Jimin was crying as he ran towards him jumping on him and hugging him tighter than ever.

"Oh God, Tae!" Jimin sobbed, tears streaming down his cheeks and Taehyung was just the same as he held him back firmly.

"I missed you so much." Taehyung wailed, as Jimin pulled away from him to examine his face, feeling miserable seeing his faded attire and tousled hair.

"Hyung!" Taehyung hugged Namjoon as soon as he ran towards him, burying his face in his chest. The older ran a soothing hand through Taehyung's hair.

"God! I thought I lost you!" Namjoon finally let his tears fall.

"Taehyung!" Junghyun strode up to him patting his back, "Y-you're fine." He sighed, frantically looking around for his brother, just to find him standing frozen by the base of the steps.

"Jeongguk!" He ran off to him, holding him by his shoulders as he looked at him with wide teary eyes.

"Hyung." Jeongguk croaked out, flabbergasted, as he gripped his brother's hands which rested on his cheeks.

"Jesus, you're well." Junghyun sighed in relief, pulling him closer just to crush him in a hug, and Jeongguk immediately hugged him back, as his tears soaked his brother's shirt.

"Jeongguk!" Jimin ran up to him, resting a hand on his back, and immediately embraced him when he let his brother go. Their families were just as overwhelmed and restless, just as they both were, and they were not sure how to react after their union.

"How did you both manage to live? Are you both alright? D-did you have any problems? How did you manage to find food? And water?"

"Jimin." Jeongguk smiled through his tears, when he saw how Jimin was checking his arms and face with wide eyes. "We were fine."

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