Holiday Pt. 2

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THE STRUNG POPCORN GARLAND and glass balls on the colorful tree brings back memories for Lucas as he takes a second to breathe after tonight's festivities. A long day of memories he never wanted to end, but is happy it did. Overseeing such affairs may be part of running a business, and his way to give to the citizens of Hope Valley, but the ordeal has left him fatigued and ready for some well deserved rest. But before Lucas retires for the night, he notices a name in front of him. A Wish, so carefully scrawled onto the glittery wood of the figure of an angel. A name he has come to care about. She fascinates him, an aura from not of this world eminates from her every day. Lucas has gotten to know her, and has seen her pale blue eyes ignite with passion over the tiniest of things. Her spontaneous spirit has kept him on his toes, but her drive is well balanced with hard work and honorable dedication. She can be so gentle, yet course with stubborness. Not one moment did she shy away from him because he is a saloon owner. Lucas reads the angel to himself. The words are simple, but Lucas catches onto the longing in it.

"I wish to marry the love of my life." Lucas removes it from the tree, and conceals it within his coat pocket, held by hope. His lungs swell at the thought of fulfilling this request one day. Lucas thinks of Elizabeth, and the same regard her had for her when they first met, but this thing with Miss Sutton felt different somehow.

 Lucas thinks of Elizabeth, and the same regard her had for her when they first met, but this thing with Miss Sutton felt different somehow

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Nathan attempts to wind Allie down enough for her to be willing to go to bed, before finally becoming firm-willed around ten o'clock. Nathan could not get Nyrah out of his head. Jealousy. When she confided in him during the floating lantern send-off, he smiled, and offered her whatever advice he could, but in honesty, his emotions were crushed into powder. Jude Wesley. Nathan will do a background check on him, for obvious reasons. Where did he come from? What are his intentions? Nathan does not trust him. The mountie fumbles Miss Sutton's gift from his pocket. He'll still give it to her. It's a charm bracelet. The same that Nathan got for Allie, except there are charms on it that reflect Nyrah's personality. For some reason. Nathan got it into his head that both his niece and Miss Sutton would have fun with the idea. They seemed like instant best friends when they all "fished" at the pond. The three of them wrangled in blue gill on six more separate occasions since then. Nathan recalls Elizabeth, and the responsibility he owed her, and this idea gives him pause. Perhaps his interest in Nyrah is only a phase, even though he is not certain of it. He actually had interest in Elizabeth before this other woman came into his life. He will never forget the first time they met, watching her fall from that boat, brings another smile to his lips. Nathan makes a call, and he waits for someone to pick up.

"Hi, Constable Nathan Grant requesting a background check. The name is Jude Wesley."


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