The Fight

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In a matter of moments, the mountain woods reverberated with the name "Little Jack." Sol never spoke with me, and only managed to say that Wesley is planning something. In the dead of night, all of us are scouring the crevices of every bush and gully. It did not take long befor3 Hope Valley discovered that Jack is not in Hope Valley at all. Nathan has called as many people as possible to help identify whether or not Little Jack ever appears elsewhere. Lanterns flicker between shadows, and I couldn't even make Nathan stay behind. He is with Bill to look in easier areas. Crutches and all. Lucas and I are together with a frantic Elizabeth. Little can soothe the penetrating fear throughout the valley. Not one citizen is hidden away from searching for this priceless little boy. No one will sleep tonight. Stars twinkling above, wind ceased, and a full moon spreading a veil of white over the company, the truth of seven hours having been passed comes to surface.

The school children are trying to comfort Elizabeth as much as they can, and so is Lucas. "Jack!" She wails, "Jack!" Spruce trees loom higher, lanternlight sclicing through the darkness near our feet. It is too dark and dangerous to keep looking, but all of us know that Elizabeth can't rest until her son is back in her arms, safe.
I'm conflicted. There is no proof other than the words of Sol, saying that Jude is planning something. My stomach churns at the idea of this event possibly being what he plots in secret. I swallow down the urge to throw up. If anyone has taken Little Jack, they could be doing anything to him, and we wouldn't be there to stop it from happening. This fills me with rage. I ignore the sweat of my hand buttering the handle of the lantern, and carve a path behind some large stones, to scan the wide cracks. They are large enough to hide a small child. My thoughts roam like moths.
I wonder about Allie, and the guests I allowed in my home while I stayed with Nate at the Hospital.

"Elizabeth," I grasp her trembling hands. "I'm going to head toward the mines. In fact, I think it would be wise for all of you to head back." A few of the mothers in the group pipe up, muttering in agreement.

"That's a good idea." Florence stands beside me, hair disheveled. "Well all want to find Jack, and even though we allowed some older children to help, they are still children. If you're not ready Elizabeth, I can take them down with Molly and Mr. Coulter while you keep searching with Mr. Bouchard."

Elizabeth nods in appreciation, eyes red and mournful. "You're right. Thank you." When Lucas whispers in Elizabeth's ear, probably some words of assurance, I take my leave. The treck downthe mountain is harsh, roots and sharp thorns claw at my ankles. Too much gravity, and I trip on a fallen log, right into a patch of weeds. I hope it isn't poison ivy. White shelf mushrooms adorn the sides of mossy branches and elm trunks. The soil is damp, and I hope there are no spiders lurking beneath any dead leaves. Thankfully, the lantern didn't break or go out in this terrain's attempt to slay me.

"Nyrah?" Jesse's voice sounds behind me.

"Ah, Mr. Flynn." I sigh from embarrassment, and accept his offered hand to help me back up. "Thanks."

"No problem. Clara is around here somewhere. If you'd like to stick around we can go looking together."

"Thanks, but I'm heading somewhere else to look."

"Oh, where-" before the man finishes, I continue my solitary journey back down the mountain. A thought comes to my mind. Most of the lost people in this television series have been found in the mines, so there is a good chance of finding him. I am surprised I didn't think if it until now. "Jack!" My voice chimes in with the many in the distance. "Little Jack!"

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