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Elizabeth's Journal Entry:

Life is a journey, defined not by a destination, but by the company we keep. I'm lucky enough to have the most amazing little man with whom I share my most precious moments. And wonderful friends who help me along the way. There are those who challenge me when I need it most, and others whose life challenges require my support. Through it all, I will never forget to appreciate the little moments that come and go so quickly. Because in fact there is nothing little about them. They will always form a very big part of who I am.

THIS MORNING is filled with the most exotic perfume called Spring

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THIS MORNING is filled with the most exotic perfume called Spring. Lines of people pass me by as I find my way to Elizabeth's. It is Sunday.
Elizabeth buttons up her coat after finally finding her purse, while Lee and Rosemary are having a fine old time playing with little Jack. A puppet on each hand, Rosemary is stealing all of Jack's attention from her husband. Three taps sound.

"Who's at the door?" Lee asks the obvious, while Elizabeth rushes to answer it.

"Allie, what are you doing here?" The tea cup hovers half-way toward my lips. I forgot that this happens. Elizabeth is good at handling things like this. I have faith in her abilities.

"Is Miss Sutton here? She wasn't at her house, and I want to stay with her. I can't live with uncle Nathan anymore." That is unexpected, and I didn't sign up for this. But my concern outweighs my discomfort when Elizabeth makes eye contact with me. Elizabeth ushers the girl inside. A blue stachel and a suitcase find their way onto the floor. "What happened?" Elizabeth questions. I motion them to come closer since this involves me as well, and Allie joins us on the couch, past the subtle sun rays through the window. "I can't stay at our house," Allie laments, her thick brown hair tied tighter than normal into a ponytail.

The schoolteacher has her hands in her lap, "Allie, is this about your grandfather? Does your uncle know that you are here?"

The girl shakes her head, "He would have just tried to stop me." A quick hand on her arm, I interject, "I think we need to have a talk with him."

She shakes her head more fervently, begging us with her eyes for us to see reason, "I'm not talking to him right now." Her frown deepens.

"But maybe he could explain, " Elizabeth says.

"He doesn't listen, especially when it comes to grandpa. He won't even let me see him!"

Elizabeth shares a look with Rosemary and then me before addressing Allie once more. "Why don't you go to church with Mr. and Mrs. Coulter and little Jack. Nyrah and I will talk to your uncle and be right along." Allie appears uncertain, before I nod to the girl, signaling to give it a chance.

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