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GUSTAVE, the new chef, has finally arrrived, and some things here have already improved. While sweeping in the back room, sweat beads at my temples. A red serge floats through the curtain.

"Nate, what are you doing back here?" I shove the broom into the corner and wash my hands once again before taking a plate of steak, peas, and mashed potatoes out to an older gentleman. Nathan follows.

"On my way to drop by this afternoon, Jude stopped me and asked me to give you this." A slip of paper tied in red ribbon; a sprig of lilac sealed with it wafts its perfume into my nostrils. The petals are smooth and small.

"...You were going to drop by?" I pay no attention to the note, and stare him dead in the eyes. It probably tells me how beautiful I am anyway. Like they have been saying the past few months.

"Yes, Allie wanted me to ask if you'd like to go fishing tomorrow. I realize now is not the best time." My limbs melt. Not the reason I hoped for. Nathan is a good friend...guy...I'm not sure. That's all. The note is from Jude. Why did he use Nate to deliver it? "Does Mr. Wesley write you notes often?" He asks.

"I...that's none of your business. I rip the note away from his hand, but then my focus is distracted by Lucas and Elizabeth in the corner of the room. The piano music curdles at the sight of Elizabeth offering her book for Lucas to read. I haven't changed anything. Nathan makes note of where my attention was stolen. Nothing was ever going to happen between me and Lucas. The attention went to my head, and that lunch with Jude ruined everything.

"May I confide in you about something?" The words lasso my mind back on Nate. I plop the wash rag in my other hand, back into the bucket. "Of course. You can always confide in me." I put a soggy hand on his shoulder.

"I am conflicted. I think I am in love with someone, but I don't think she loves me in return." I twist my head back toward the future couple. Elizabeth. The mounty feels an obligation toward her and her son, but falls in love with her in the process. The memories come back to me. I take a deep breath, and I realize what I need to do. I need to get over Lucas, and because Elizabeth won't choose Nathan when it comes time, Nate will have to move on from her as well. Tears glimmer, about to fall; I don't look at him when I answer. "I guess, the best thing to do is to consider her happiness first above everything." When I finally raise my chin to meet his gaze, his blue eyes waver between Lucas and Elizabeth and me. "I guess you're right," he says.
Elizabeth is gone, and I stuff the note into my apron pocket. Giving Nate a sad smile, I continue working, and so does he. With both doors of romance crumbling down, all I wish to do, is to crumple onto the floor and block out the world.

"Nyrah?" Fiona touches my shoulder. Out of instinct, I fill up her tin with coffee. The pot in my left hand is lighter, and I decide I will refill it right away. "Nyrah?" I acknowledge her voice, my brows warping from the previous events in my mind. "Yes?"

Fiona chortles, "I didn't need coffee, but thank you."

"Oh, I am so sorry! I guess I need to get my brain back to functioning properly." She waves, dismissing the mistake. "Don't worry. I just wanted to check up on you. You and that mounty seemed to be having a very interesting conversation." I can picture his smirk while he is in a playful mood, or the fatherly tone he has when Allie begs for something.

"You could say that...wait, we're you listening in?" I question with saucer-eyes. She hooks her arm with mine, almost sloshing coffee onto my blouse.

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