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"Nyrah, Bill and I have an idea to get business going again." My ears perk up, intrigued. Have they finally decided to get this barbecue started? I can taste the sirloin steak already.

"It's about time. I'm dying for some roasted corn on the cob."

"Did Bill already tell you about it?"

"I read minds," I nod as if I'm serious about that statement, but a grin shatters my exterior, with no hope of recovery. Lucas shakes his head in disbelief, a finger pointed at me. "You become more unpredictable every day. Maybe you do read minds." He shoves his hands into his pockets. "Tell me, Nyrah, what am I thinking about?"

"Couldn't even begin to imagine."

"I was thinking about how beautiful you look today." No matter what I do to steel my nerves to that statement, a blush claws up my neck regardless. It is only the two of us talking just outside the saloon. Gustav is smooshed against his fist at the bar counter, a dramatic sigh buzzing his lips. He's either bored or depressed because he is bored. Lucas is unreadable. I am not unreadable, for the nervous smile has already grown. "I think I'm going to tell Gustav the good news."

An hour later, things are off to a progressive start. I help some of the men carry chairs out to the tables, and it earns me a few confused looks. Elizabeth waves at me, and I wave back before we both return to what we were doing before. For her, it is engaging in a conversation with Nathan; he laughs at something she says, and the twinge in my chest returns. I used to experience this whenever Lucas was is in that position. What is wrong with me? Neither of them are an option. I return to the store room for some extra seating, and I discover they have already been brought out. Instead, I raid the cupboard for some extra tablecloths and rejoin outside and aid the other women in setting the tables.

"Have you spoken with Rosemary yet?" I ask Clara as we both fold the napkins.

She sighs, "Not yet." Rosemary has jumped right in with the event, directing traffic where it must go. Bill glares at her when she is not aware of it, as she takes over his own attempt. "I'm not sure how to bring it up."

"Maybe talk to Jesse?" I pitch, and she appears more confident with that idea. A head of firey hair floats into my vision before Molly asks me what she can do to help, but not without me noticing the subtle glance she spares in Bill's direction. I watch as he heads toward the cafe.

"Follow me," I conceal the smirk from her notice, and direct her to the back door of the cafe, opening it without bothering to knock. "Bill, I have a recruit for you. Molly is willing to help."

He might just protest at the sight of her, but I delicately murder him with my eyes as a gentle nudge toward obedience. "Very well then, wash your hands and get started on slicing the bread " Bill glares at me, and I stick out my tongue, then leave them both to their own devices. Bill has noticed her, but he is not inclined toward romance right now, and he knows what I'm trying to do. Molly is a beautiful woman, and Bill Avery needs someone to love as well. I hope it works out.
Lucas is beside the Queen Of Hearts' serving table, and I approach with caution. He thinks I am beautiful. I scold my stupidity. I should have allowed that moment to blossom, but instead I stomped on it like a dandelion. But then I remember that it is for the best. "Just the person I wanted to see."

My sight flicks around me. With no one around, I assume he meant me. "And what is exciting about Nyrah Sutton coming to talk with you?"

When Calls the DreamHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin