A Long Lost Friend

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Elizabeth's Journal Entry:

Our Mountie arrives home today! It has been truly insightful to remember what it was like before Nathan Grant was stationed in Hope Valley. I am so relieved to see Allie more focused on her studies as her uncle continues the healing process. The young girl smiles brighter every day.

Little Jack is sprouting up faster than I would like. There are days when I wish he could remain my "little" Jack forever. But then I recall every special moment that I will get to experience with him throughout his childhood, into adulthood. And that thrills me even more. One day, a young lady will capture his heart, and I just might become a grandmother. I have mixed feelings about that one.

There has been something else weighing on my chest lately. I understand Lucas' point of view in not alerting Nyrah of Sol's appearance in Hope Valley. Sol seems to be here for more than a reunion with her best friend. There is a coldness in her eyes, and I think Lucas fears for the woman he held feelings for. Lucas shared one afternoon, about how he held interest in Nyrah for quite some time when she first arrived in town. Nathan also showed some interest. This left me confused for a while, because I had already suspected something was going on, and had my own growing care for both men. Lucas assured me that things have changed for him, and a flame sparked within my heart when he said it.

I still find myself in tears once and a while, still unable to completely decide whether I really want to move forward with Lucas. Jack was a treasure that can never be replaced, and though I am open to love, it will require a lot of patience. I don't want to rush into anything.

THE THRONTON HOME IS LOUD with a little boy's excited squeal, and Elizabeth lifts her focus away from her desk at her son pasting fingerprints all over a window. An amused expression lights up the porcelain skin across her face. Elizabeth sets down the pen, and scoops her son up into her arms with delight. This is when she picks up movement outside through the smudged glass. A shadow, with golden hair. Sol treads carefully at the front door, frozen and hesitant. Elizabeth awaits the sound of knocking, but it doesn't come. Instead, Sol strides back down the steps, and hooks her thumbs onto her belt. She is in better clothing than before, but still insists on wearing pants. The woman never minds the stares or the gossip whirling through town; she only keeps her chin tight and eyes still, betraying nothing beside indifference. Elizabeth finds herself wrapping little Jack deeper into her embrace. Before Sol has time to notice that her presence is known, Elizabeth drifts quietly into a corner of the house where she won't be seen, and debates on the decision to call Lucas with the telephone.
"Mama." Jack touches Elizabeth's cheek with his small hand.
"Shh," she gently tells him, a finger over her mouth. The teacher waits a few moments, still searching the front of the house through the window. Sol leans against the support beam, staring out toward the mountains. Elizabeth draws in a breath, and decides to call Lucas after all. And that is when Lee's car gurgles past the house, and Sol trails on after it.

The second she is able, Elizabeth asks Florence at the switchboard to connect her to Lucas Bouchard. "Alright, please hold." The school teacher dabs the back of her hand against her forehead, impatient and sweaty. "I've connected you now," Florence says.

"Thank you, " Elizabeth tells her.

"Hello?" His voice is deep over the phone, but Elizabeth puts that out of her mind for now. She gulps, "Lucas, I'm glad I got a hold of you."

"I'm glad to be of service." He chuckles, probably uncertain what this random call is about.

"Sol was just at my house."

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