We Coudl Dancing

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once upon a time the gods were bored so they decided to look for something to entertain them and that's where a god got a Super ?? Ideas she asked the gods who were the most powerful who were their favorite human on earth and this is when the gods first guessed the idea of ​​the god.

The gods arranged and decided to send the human prefers gods to another world with reverse sex.

But you wonder who these favorite and unlucky humans are.

In another world at the same time but different place.

-but damn where I am "three humans had the same question in mind while they looked at where they were.


-" but where am I and why do I have a girlish voice" the girl ?? a mirror for looked at her because she feels weird.

Luckily he had a mirror in the room so she looked at herself

- "oh what the hell, why am i a girl and in this room.

Han Yoojin was basically a boy and the person she saw was a girl who was him, honestly her version girl was beautiful but she wore a saint's outfit and that hair neither long nor short that went beyond her shoulders made her look like a Saint.

- "Seriously what's going on" asked the girl, a few minutes ago she was with her friends at home and there she finds herself here dressed as a saint and a girl, she had seen these friends disappear too but before she reacted she was here.

Han Yoojin sighed and looked at the room where she was this looked like a bedroom, her bedroom maybe, she thought these friends were in the same situation.

It was no use panic she had to know where she was first and then she will see what to do.She heard someone knock on her door, and heard a voice

-Sainte-nim it's me Serena I'm here to say it's time to eat" it's true she had to collect information first.

she approached the door and opened it saying

- "oh it's you Serena thank you for warning me, we can go" she said with a smile.

the girl named Serena started to smile and replied

-it's nothing Saint-nim !!" They start walking towards the dining room on the way Han Yoojin asked Serena little questions that were neither suspicious nor weird.

-"Serena, I have a doubt, what day are we

-or it is the 3rd of the first month of the year 871 in the heavenly calendar"

-hmmm ok "

- may I know why you are asking for Sainte-nim"

-oh, don't worry it was just to know"

replied Han Yoojin smiling pat Serena's hair Serena nodded and smiled, arrived in front of the dining room door, Serena opened the door while Han Yoojin looked at the girl

- high priest I brought Saint Nim back how you told me "announced Serena walking towards the man she called high priest.

Han Yoojin also came in and saw a plain of women in the room there were no boys except the man with the White Bard.

even immersed in these thoughts she heard the voice of the man

-ho ho Han Yoojin why don't you sit down

"-Ah oh sorry"

said Han Yoojin looking at the empty places and there was only one place left and it was next to the man, she would go and sit down without saying anything.

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