Pretty Girl

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Well, in the end we are going to see the gods.

-OK for the first time I think the god of truth had a good idea "

all the gods at the table nodded. The god in question declared

-Yes I know but if we spice up this show.

-Go ahead and say" say the god of intelligence.

-and if they had people who crush on them.

- oh I like your idea "said the god of love.

- Me too and in addition I will take the opportunity to give them Blessings of beauty. say god of beauty.

-ohhh I have a better idea and if on-" god of wealth was interrupted by the god of works.

-first, if we asked the gods concerned what they think"

the gods looked at the concerned.

The god of death, the gods of the constellations, and the god of time They had said nothing until then.

-I think it's a good idea I validate"say the gods.

If our heroine knew what the gods were doing they would go crazy. But we don't care so......

- so I said if we made them meet us like that we can give them information"said god of wealth, the gods nodded in.

The gods kept giving shit ideas.

In the end they have taken all the given idea, they are really assholes these gods aren't they ?.

but if we were going to see one of the characters, who is very beautiful like the sun and who is a prince with whom the first name begins with an A.

Alberu Crossman the prince of the Kingdom of Roan where our heroine would create Disasters in the future, was in his Chamber signing documents as usual.

But he had received a letter from a neighboring kingdom the Kingdom of Henituse the letter saying the king's daughter.

Cale Henituse was coming to spend some time here and the reason was that his daughter wanted to discover new kingdoms.

Alberu did not know the princess well, he had only heard about her by her beauty and her intelligence.

The kingdom of Henituse was one of the richest but his military and other strength was not yet revealed to the public but Alberu knew they were hiding something.

So he was just going to welcome them as good friends and gain their trust.

It was going to be easy, Alberu thought. But Alberu not knowing Cale's personality was going to regret it. But that's okay, right. ???

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