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Cale really spent her whole day in the library until she was tired, she had to rest tomorrow she will be on her way to the kingdom of Roan. 

she had discussed the trip with her father so tomorrow it was fine, Cale told himself. 

The next morning Cale and these parents were in front of the cart

-Cale you are sure you don't want to take more knights "asked his father and seriously it's been the 5th time he asked that

-dad don't worry I have Ron and a lot of knights" too much even thought Cale, at the base she thought she was going to leave with only 10 knights but in the end  she will leave with 50 knights and more with Ron and his son Beacrox more creepy than his father. 

Cale said the last farewell to those parents and got into the card  . 

and they set off.


Let's move on to another person now a women with short black hair this woman was Kim Dokja who had been here for 2 days she is rather used and adapted to this new world the only thing missing  were those friends

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Let's move on to another person now a women with short black hair this woman was Kim Dokja who had been here for 2 days she is rather used and adapted to this new world the only thing missing  were those friends.

Kim Dokja discovered that in this world she was a girl and also a mage, she also lives alone in a luxurious house, Kim Dokja knew that she she was a strong mage and it was today that she was going to prove it  . 

Kim Dokja could not leave her village until she had a good position as a great mage or royal mage and suddenly she needed to take an exam to leave her village and go in search of these friends. 

she was in front of the judge, the judge asked her to put her hand on the crystal ball which was to her left she did as he said and the ball glowed black. 

The judge was astonishingly shocked by the power of the young woman, Kim Dokja who felt uncertain asked

- Sir am I failed "the judge quickly declared

- No !! Madam you are incredibly strong and with a truly destructive power you have passed the test  wait in the queue and I will give you the document on your powers and your position "

Kim Dokja nodded and went to the queue. 

Soon she will be outside this village, firstly she was going to make a name within the kingdom of Roan there like that if these friends heard about her, Kim Dokja would maybe find them and Kim Dokja knew that these friends had started  to move.

Soon she will be outside this village, firstly she was going to make a name within the kingdom of Roan there like that if these friends heard about her, Kim Dokja would maybe find them and Kim Dokja knew that these friends had started  to move

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Pepa and  Félix as Deruth and Violan

Dolores as Cale

Bruno as jour

Basen as luisa

Lily as Isabela

I don't know the other give me  some Ideas  please

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