Get ready! Set! Go!

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There are so many ways how this story could be told but let me tell you the longer version of it. Or as I like to say - The Truth.

To begin with my name is Blair Spellman and I'm a Heretic. Okay wait, no, why does it sound more like a intro to the anonymous addict club than a intro to sappy love story. Well as  soon as you are about to find out it may or may not be both stories. Addict toxic and so so sappy love story, oh yeah also a love triangle. Or more. Well any hoo... Welcome welcome, grab some snacks and enjoy the ride to the wild story of my life and how I died.

A long time ago, from far far away... okay not that far away just your usual supernatural town called Mystic Falls away, I was turned into a vampire. A cute one if I may say so myself. None the less a vampire while I still was a witch. So as you may know how the rules work you can't be a witch and also vampire. Or so I thought. We thought.

 My now ex-boyfriend Kol Mikaelson turned me in order to protect me from his brother and some weird a$$ coven in Portland. You see his brother the big and bad Klaus Mikaelson is a hybrid, part vampire and part werewolf . But his werewolf part was locked away and he believed that I as a powerful witch could be his key.

 Well as you may presume I was not. And lets just say that my fate was kind of similar with Katherine Pierce. So the big bad brother daggered his younger one for turning me into a vampire but little did he knew that I still was I witch. I didn't know that at the time too so I fled as soon and as far as possible. 

Obviously I got extra lucky because as I was hiding as a runaway teenager from home, Katherine noticed me and I guess pitied me at the time. So I got the chance to tag along with her. Soon enough we became "ride or die" friends. I guess running from Niklaus Mikaelson does that to you. 

As we became best friends I got to know all of her deepest darkest secrets. Including the Salvatore brothers. Every month or so she was tracking them. Well we were tracking them. Katherine would give a short visit to Stefan and in the meaning time I got closer to Damon. And as I mean closer, that really means closer. 

One time as I remember he caught me. At first he tried to kill me but it all ended in some "hot vampire sex".  And that's kids, how I became his oldest friend. Well at some times more than a friend. But lets save this story for another time shall we. Because no matter what Damon only truly cared for Kat.

Skipping a few years later the Salvatore brothers moved to Mystic Falls for no other than a girl. Obviously... And to my shock the girl was a mirror image of Katherine. Her doppelganger. So me being the best friend that I am called Petrova girl. While she being the baddest bitch of all stirred up a huge drama in Mystic Falls I was laughing in the shadows. 

Like really, how could I not

Ha.. but little did I learned about Katherine that she was really a bitch. At least a bitch for not telling me her true intentions. One of them being Klaus and his curse. So in order to save me some time explaining this mind twist for you I can just cut to the chase. Katherine being not so smart for a second, Stefan with 0,1% humanity, Elena dead but not really, Damon on his death bed but hooray for him for getting Elena to kiss him, Klaus now a true hybrid. And you wonder where I am in the picture, well in order for Klaus to grant Katherine some kind of mercy she had to deliver me and the doppelganger.

 So Santa Klaus being the charming young lad he is wanted to sacrifice me on the altar as a vampire but thanks to the holy spirits Damon saved me. After that I decided to stay and help him save his brother. And win the girl I guess. Non the less I stayed. Got some friends, and such.

Don't get bored now!  Because soon there comes the best part of all. 

When we kind of saved Stefan, he in order to get revenge on Klaus stole his daggered brothers and sister. As for me I didn't know what was happening until one day the Salvatore brothers and I went to the new Mikaelson mansion for some talking. Some bickering and fighting later Elijah walked out with a maid and Damon oh his left. 

"Well where are your manners brother? " he casually asked Klaus "We forgot desert" Elijah removed a napkin from a tray that the maid was holding just to reveal two daggers. 

In realization I backed up in a corner because soon enough Kol walked in the room just behind Elijahs back. He looked just the same as the last time I saw him. Still hot and well angry as always. "Kol.." Klaus panted a bit while taking a step back, scared and shocked to see his younger brother much more alive. "Long time brother.." Kol taunted at him while Niklaus was actually backing up from him while holding his hands up in defence. It really was a delight to watch the scene. But to hell I was scared for myself also. Knowing that Kol would be furious with me for not trying to save him at least once. So doing the smart thing I ran. Ran for my life again. Only to wake up and see those dark chocolate eyes smirking at me. 

"Good morning darling" Kol trailed off while tracing my face with his finger. In my head I was dead. Like for real I felt my heart stop and for a whole minute I stared at him with my eyes wide open. "Oh my bad sugar... I am not here to harm you in any way, just wanted to see if Klaus was telling the truth." his whisper was all it took for me to get out of that dumb trance state. 

"Uggh what do-o you mean by that..?" my guess I sounded so terrified that I made him chuckle. "Niklaus gave me all the new information about you in order to make amends" he smiled at me. 

So yes... As you can clearly see everything got great for a second. I got my long lost love back. But the thing was, I kind of no longer loved him. Hell yes I fancied him. After a centurie but he still managed to look handsome as ever. 

Time got by and as did I. Kol and I were on friends with benefits basis. I got some flings going on with Enzo. Elena became a vampire and everyone tried to make her feel better about herself. Not me tho, because as I say that I made a few friends she was not one of them. I hated her silently for toying with Salvatores. They became like brothers to me. The only problem you see that in order for that stupid hunter mark to be completed little Gilbert had to kill vampires. Why you think that mark was important? Oh let me tell you it was all for the poor Elena. Well most of it I guess. There was a cure for vampirism. So yes killing vampires and what's better than killing an Original?...


Here we are. I am dead. So is Kol and so many of us. I really wasn't interested as to what happened but life again got the best of me in the end. Some witches or travelers or something occupied Mystic Falls and in order to fix everything Damon and Elena did a BOOM on our favorite Grill. Yeah long story short I myself got bored while to explaining everything to you. So just to save my last breaths on this earth lets focus on the present moment. 

*** *** ***

While trying to hold my ground I whimpered to Bonnie and Damon "So do you think this is it?" They both shared a look and I let out a sigh while grabbing Bonnies hand "Do you think it will hurt?" she questioned "I don't know..." Damons voice trailed off while we held each other closer as the storm got us last.

Standing still I pry open my eyes. "What the f..." I look around as we are standing in the same spot but it looks like in much more alive world. "That got awkward fast" Damons coughs while jerking his arm from Bonnie. 

"What happened?" Bonnie looks around "Where is everybody?"

"I have no idea. But it feels weird" I say with hesitation. Bonnie quickly starts walking towards something "Where you going?" Damon called "Hey!?" We share a look before trying to catch up with the witch. 

Walking down the town center we try and look for some clues. "Well I feel a fang.. so I'm still a vampire" Damon declares while taking a look at me "Same for me. So either we are dead vampires.." I say while licking my fangs. "Or Mystic Falls is no longer magic free" Damon ends my statement. 

All of a sudden we stop as Bennet points over to the not so burned up Grill.

"I definitely blew that up about an hour ago.." Salvatore says in suspicious tone.

"That's what I was about to say... But why don't we see any people?" I look at Bonnie trying to think of an answer myself

"If we are still on the other side we should still be able to see the living.." She trails off while trying to gather her thoughts.

Damon says as he squints and looks around "Where the hell are we? And I don't mean geographically"

I have no idea...


Here is the first  look into Blairs life. What do you think? 

Give me your thoughts. <3

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