Goodbye 1994!

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Opening my eyes I see the axe that was once on the ground buried itself in Kai's chest. His eyes widen as he falls on his back.

After a long pause, Damon taps Bonnie's shoulder. "Great work Bonnie..." he mumbled, walking away.

--- Present ---

"Damon, I'm working on something..." Bonnie bickered. "On the not-so-bright side, is your intelligence, because you took the only chance of us getting out of here and turned him into a giant....douche-kebab." Damon drank again, as my head turned slightly to look at Kai's body.

"Think about it, Damon. What prison gives an inmate a key?" Bonnie was trying to think of something so hard that it seemed like every negative word would make her "kaboom".

"Is that a trick question?" Damon asked, looking back down at his drink. "Or is this stuff actually starting to kick in.." "Give me some" I extended my arm waiting for the bottle. "I think the Gemini coven used a Bennett spell to create this place, what if that's why my Grams sent me here Damon?" Bonnie spoke again. Me and Damon share a glance that reads "what?".

Damon pointed at his face, pursing his lips as he crossed his eyes. "This is the face I make when I don't understand you." I take a swing of the drink trying to hide my amusement. 

"You know the last thing my Grams said to me, was to stay strong...what if that was her way of telling me I have the power to get out?" Bonnie pondered, as I chugged the drink. "I have the ascendant, a massive celestial event to draw from. Plus a burning desire to get away from the two of you." Meeting Bonnies eyes I sense something off. 

--- --- ---

The three of us stood in the cave system, a light shining through the hole that Damon had created. Damon and I sharing the last drops of drink, staring over at Bonnie who stood directly under the light. Damon chugged his drink while Bonnie used the ascendant to prick her hand. She then dropped her blood onto the ascendant.

Bonnie muttered a spell, shutting her eyes as her blood spread throughout the ascendant. "It's time, guys." she softly smiled.

"Let's go-" She was cut off, by an arrow plunging into her stomach. Damon and I stepped back in shock as the Ascendant fell with Bonnie.

We turn around to see Kai standing there with a crossbow pointed at Damon. "Forgetting someone?" He smirked.

"What in the bloody hell Katniss Everdeen?!" I shout.

Damon stared in complete shock. "Did you really think I hadn't tried to kill myself before? I mean.. you should ask Blair, I've told her that over the way here." He grinned, looking at the me. Damon looked back at me, his face showing betrayal. I speed over to Bonnie and began feeding her my blood. 

"Because I had lots of times, lots of ways." Kai saw Damon look at the Ascendant. "Grab that, and the next arrow goes in her heart. Your choice."

Damon turned over to Bonnie and I, where I give him somewhat a re-assuring smile.

Kai throws his crossbow and rushes for the ascendant. "Damon! No!" I shout, tearing my wrist away from Bonnie's mouth once she's gotten enough blood.

Damon speeds over to Kai, pinning him against the wall, knocking the ascendant out of his hand as I go in for it. Catching the ascendant from the ground I turn to Bonnie, with one look we know what to do next. 

Grabbing Damon off of Kai I put in his hands the ascendant. "We're not gonna make it...but you are." Bonnie smiled hearing me say this, knowing what's about to go next. As I turn around to hold on into Kai "Hey cutie" I send him a wink. 

"Motus." Bennet grunts, raising her arm, blissfully dragging Damon to the center of the cave, directly under the light source.

The light surrounding Damon grew brighter in a second until it engulfed him completely. "No!" he shouted right before the light flashes, and he disappeared.


The ascendant dropped to the ground, shattering into a bunch of pieces

 While I letted go of Kai, he stared at the now broken ascendant, screaming.

Kai screamed unintelligibly, but as I  watched Bonnie, her eyes filled up. Bonnie smiled for a small moment and it was heartbreaking - it was a smile that showed genuine happiness for saving her friend, but it instantly turned into a grimace when she realized her situation. With that she passes out.

The boy paced around like a caged animal in the corner, seething. It really was something that I have never seen or wanted to for that matter.

"Kai," I try to get his attention and maybe help him calm down.

"Do NOT talk to me Blair" he said it so lowly and venomously that I almost lost my breath. Honestly I felt really bad. It was weird, feeling this way.. but again I tried talking to him.

"Look," I pushed my luck "I know that you're angry, but we need to get her out of here. You know, make sure she doesn't bleed to death... since she is the only source of magic."

He gave me the "no shit" look, before coming forward into the ring of light. Saying nothing, Kai bent and collected the pieces of the Ascendant, carefully sifting through the dirt with his fingers. He stuffed each small piece into his pocket. "Kai?" I mutter.

"I know," he snaps, before he kneeling next to Bonnie. He grabbed her forearm, and I quickly notice her skin glowing orange for a mere moment, where Kai's hand came into contact. "Kai," I said with alarm while speeding over to him, grabbing his bicep. No longer caring what he might do. 

"Relax," he snarled, swatting my hand away. "You wanted to get out of the cave. We need her magic to do that."

"Hey! No we don't. I could of jumped out of here with her in my arms." I furrow my brows. 

Too late for him to hear or to care. Kai murmured lowly, too lowly for me to hear exactly, then all three of us were levitating.

--- --- ---

Back in the Salvatore house I helped out Bonnie. Meanwhile, Kai stomped around the room. He took the Ascendant pieces out of his pocket, and tossed them on the desk behind the couch right across from the one Bonnie's lifeless body was occupying. He tried to sit and sort through the pieces, but soon he impatiently stood up. He couldn't seem to stay still, and to be honest, he was distracting. Again, I couldn't help but feel a sort of hyper awareness of his movements, prepping for his inevitable lash out...

He started pacing in the space between the two couches while I cut the strips of tape to fit the edges of the gauze. Finally done, I looked over my work. It wasn't neat, but it would do.

"So, BABY, how are you feeling?" Kai's voice finally cut through the thick silence. "Umm okay?" It came out more like a question than an answer. "And you Kai? How are you feeling?"

"Funny you should ask... As you all say that I'm a sociopath, I'm not supposed to feel emotions, you know" he said, grinning too brightly. He had stopped pacing. "But I've gotta to tell you, I do. The ones I'm feeling right now are pretty easy to recognize, actually, even for me. Extreme anger, resentment and even betrayal." Pointing towards Bonnie "Now, the first two are directed at the little witch here.."

"Oh c'mon I did not betray you in any kind... It's not like we became buddies in crime over one night" I roll my eyes without thinking.

"Yeah, I forgot you don't care" Now it really was weird hearing those words come out out of sociopath's lips.

"Look, Damon was and is one of my oldest friends. Bonnie here is just loyal and I respect that."  I sigh standing up to try and meet Kais level. "If it makes you feel any better.. I am sorry"

"Don't bother Blair. Really. Just don't. I do-" before he could of finished the sentence that I guess how may have ended, I hug him. 

No, not kiss him. Just hug him. 


Well there it is. Goodbye 1994! - for Damon. We'll see what might happen next. 


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