Toy Story

22 4 0

Ignoring Kai, I got to my feet before coming to stand in between them, on the light's fringe. Kai remained crouched, but had turned to face us. "Brought you both a present," he said. He pulled his backpack off, plopped it down on the ground, and unzipped it to reveal a teddy bear. Pulling her out, he sang, "Ta da." Bonnie barely acknowledged him while I just stared at him.

"Ms. Cuddles," he continued good-naturedly. "I thought you might want to bring her along Bon Bon."

"Thanks," Bennet said, emotionlessly.

"Ahh, and yes.. Your bloody bunny Blair" Kai smiles and throws me the toy. While taking a  mental note to myself that it was Kai, who left outside of Salvatore house the mud and blood covered bunny. The stranger thing is, that I have cleaned him. 

"Why is he bloody again?" I furrow my brows while looking at him.

Kai glanced down for a moment, seemingly bothered by our stale reaction. "I know you think I'm a monster," he said, his tone serious. Bonnie gave him sarcastic nod back. "I mean, I did murder or heavily maim most of my immediate family." He stood, and spread his hands in a pacifying gesture while I listened intently, my indifferent gaze focused on the ground. Bonnie reacted even more sarcastically to his words in a "tell me more" way, folding her hands together. "But after a long period of self reflection, I've come to the conclusion that I could've handled my anger better," he finished. Oh my.. I had to work hard not to scoff aloud- this was his attempt at emotionally manipulating Bonnie with faux remorse I guess. And I didn't even need to look at Bonnie to know that the girl was too smart to buy it too.

"You said you wanted to get out of here, and I quote 'to give the rest of the Gemini Coven an excruciating death,'" she reminded as Kai smiled bitterly.

"I didn't mean it," he denied casually. "Honestly, I would do anything to get my family back." His dejected gaze settled on me for a moment. "And for Blair not to think of me so badly" He then continued, "The thing I'm most scared of is trying to live in the world again, I'm sorta hoping you've been a positive influence on me. You're a good person, Bonnie. You're brave, loyal, patient. I wanna be more like you," he said wistfully. Bonnie had schooled her expression back to impassivity, but that didn't deter Kai as he heaved up the backpack and put the bear in front of his face. "What do ya say?" he said, in a high-pitched voice, animating the bear. "Friends?" he asked, waving its plush arm. He made it blow a kiss.

Uh auch, that stung. Betrayal. I detect betrayal..

"Oh my god.. stop it with this sappy shit. You are going to make me barf." I fake a gag while walking toward Bonnie. 

"Let's just go home," Bonnie broke in flatly.

She stepped forward into the ring of light. I came forward too while Kai threw the backpack down at our feet, the bear's head still poking out. He pulled the Ascendant from his pocket and handed it to Bonnie. All three of us glanced upward to the sky to see the sun's and moon's trajectories at near convergence. "It's now or never," Kai said. Bonnie cut her palm open once again with the edge of Ascendant's wing, and poured it over the center of the contraption. She started chanting, but Kai's hands shot out and grabbed the wrist of her bleeding hand forcefully while his other grabbed mine, enough to almost crush my bones. He only seemed amused at Bonnie's accusing eyes. "Just in case you two thought you'd try and go without me," he explained, then winked. With Bonnies hostile eyes on Kai, she resumed her chant, "Sangina Mearma, Ascendarum Cavea." The wings of the Ascendant extended, its cog whirling.

"So long, 1994." Kai breathes, causing me to half-smile.

My smile soon faded, however, when the ascendant stopped working.

Oh well...

"Keep going- hurry." Kai demands.

"I can't-" Bonnie argues, staring down at the small clock.

"Keep going!" Kai repeats.

"I can't! I've lost my magic." Bonnie revealed. And then it finally clicked, just what Bonnie was doing. Not to mention that Bonnie was a convincing actress too.

"What are you talking about Bonnie?! You were just doing the spell!" Kai's disbelieving voice was insistent and loud. Violently grabbing Bonnie's wrists, using both hands, making her drop the Ascendant, he focused. There was a pause before he scanned Bonnie's distressed face rapidly and said, "There's nothing there. There's no magic."

"Well yes.. She just said that? Didn't you hear?" I knew that I was pushing him, and I will probably go to hell for this.. but god, this was actually stating to get funny. Like how this cute little boy acts out, saying he's a sociopath but cares about everything more than I do to be honest. So maybe it wouldn't hurt to play them both a little?

"It's so strange right," Bonnie added, while Kai looked as if he would murder us right here, right now. "I wonder if I accidentally put it somewhere. Oh, I remember now. I put it somewhere safe." Bonnie finally exposed her sabotage with smirk.

Kai's face was twitching and I knew this was a sign, he was trying to contain himself. Taking a half-step forward, so now I was partly in front of Bonnie and facing him. Kai turned, and walked a few steps away, bringing his clenched fist to his mouth. He turned back, and Bonnie inquired sarcastically with raised eyebrows. "Where. did you. put your magic?" He managed to measure just how much of emotion he should show, but it also showed how soon his whole "calm" facade would crumble to the ground.

"Oh Boo... Do you remember how you were saying that you wanted to be more like Bon Bon?" I teased. "Brave." A growl built in Kai's throat as he turned away again, but Bonnie kept going, "Loyal. Patient."

He stopped abruptly, his back to us. "You put it in the bear," he said, the certainty and excitement now clear in his voice, a lot difference to the tone before. "Didn't you?"

"Yes Boo. Good job!" I over sweetened my voice at him. He spun around with a smile, and immediately started walking towards the backpack. Grabbing it, he poured its contents out carelessly on to the ground. Only CDs fell out to the stone ground with a clatter and other stuff, but no teddy bear. He threw the empty backpack down in frustration and yelled, "COME ON!"

While Bonnie winced at his voice I only smirked. Kai, however, was the very picture of rage. He stopped just far apart for our noses to almost touch. "Where's the stupid bear?" Kai whispered while trying his hardest to keep his cool "Hmmm?"

"Oh, it's gone. I guess we're stuck here." I whispered back , "Forever.." almost leaning in so my hot breath could hit his trembling lips. 

"Sorry" Bennet shrugged, not sounding apologetic at all. Kai just stared back, surprisingly keeping himself in check. His eyes turned thoughtful before he smiled, obviously an idea occurred to him.


"Oh you are going to be sorry" with a smirk on his lips everything went dark. Again?


More like it's me who's about to say sorry. Like really, sorry for this short part.

I knew what was coming so I decided to make it more interesting. I really hope you will like it. 


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