Princess and the last pea

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I can't really remember when was the last time that I had celebrated any kind of holiday. After being afraid, running and hiding for so long, I forgot what it was like to have a family. Not that I had one to start with but the Mikaelsons were my family for some time. Until everything happened with Klaus and his  obsession with breaking the curse. I always thank god for having Kol in my life. Or at least I had him... 

He always cared for me deeply. Maybe because he felt neglected by everyone just like me, or maybe he missed the rush of performing magic... Yeah, I miss that now too. 

While I was a witch, I was happy. I felt everything. But now... You know the stupid thing is, that vampires should feel everything more intensely. Not for me tho. I was dead. No emotion. I knew how they worked so it wasn't so hard to fake hurt, sad or something. Well maybe Kol's death had a part with it too. I mean, he was daggered, not dead dead. But me being a weakling, I couldn't do shit. And for some part in me, I felt sorry. For both of us. Because back then, we loved each other. We really did. We even had our wedding planned. I even wanted kids... We tried for it ofcourse. Nothing happened. Non the less I was happy. I was grateful. I was alive.

*** *** ***

I gasped for air while also wincing and moving my hand towards the sore neck. 

"Good Morning Princess." Kai smirked while trying to brush a strand of hair out of my face. "If you still care about Bon Bon, even though she ruined the simplest chance of us getting out of here.."

With wide eyes I turn to Kai, both grunting and swatting his hand away for me. "First of, don't touch me. Like ever... Second, I'm not your princess and third.." I give my brain a second to function, "Wait what?! Where is she? Bonnie?" I turn my sore neck to the back of a car that we were at. But I couldn't see her. Did he kill her?

"Ah, you care. That's a bummer... And for the record I didn't call you mine. Just Princess, because you know, the whole red dress is giving some vibes.." Kai bit his lip in a seductive yet cute way. 

"Kai stop with the flirting and answer me! What did you do to her?" I was scared for her, not really sure why. Maybe the whole memory thing got me sentimental. 

"Okay okay, she's in the trunk of car." I hit him in the bicep, "Go get her you pterodactylus!"

"What's with the nickname?" Kai chuckled while getting out of the car.

"Cuz your are antient and annoying... and for some weird reason that was the first thing that popped in my head" Now I was trying to hide my face. Why? oh no reason.. none at all. I just blushed like a teenager for the first time in ten years. Taking in a breath, I swing open the passenger door to follow him to the back of the car. Kai pops open the trunk, and my eyes immediately scan over Bonnie's unconscious figure, where her hands are tied together with rope.

"Wake-y, wake-y..." Kai grins, pulling Bonnie out of the trunk.

"How did I-" Bonnie starts, as she tries to stand without losing balance.

"Get so lucky to arrive here on a private flight piloted by yours truly?" Kai interrupts, leaning his arm on the trunk while he turns to face me, winking. "Oh, you would've been super impressed by my flying skills..." He grabs his backpack out from the trunk, throwing it on the ground beside us.

Did he just?.. oh he did. 

"Where are we?" Bonnie badgered, furrowing her eyebrows. 

"Portland, Oregon... Stomping grounds of Country Love, Tonya Harding, and tons of other awesome people." Kai flips open his pocket knife.

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