Carry me home

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With every bit of sound I found myself waking up. Still keeping eyes closed, I focused on the nearby conversation that for some reason still included not so unconscious me. 

"What's wrong with her Kai?" Bonnie worried. It's not like anyone really saw that happening to me. So how could he know..

"I'm not sure with what exactly but I have a few ideas about who.." Kai had his serious voice, sounding distant. I wondered what he was doing. Or for a fact where was I. Because I could feel something tickling my entire body. Grass?

"What do you mean who?! Someone is doing this to her?"

"Probably my father. Like I mention a few hours earlier, obsessed and all... As I presume, Damon gave him a visit trying to get as out and my dear old dad found out about her being much like alive. Well at least for now... I can't protect her in any way here" He rustled something.

Why did he care about me? He said so himself, sociopath equals no emotion. What changed? Maybe my short sob of a story earned some points of sympathy. Not that I needed it. Especially for him.

"As if you could protect her in any way! We can't get out of here Kai, did you forget?" Bonnie was getting annoying again. Yes dear Bonnie, we know. You did that, so thanks babe. "And what the hell are you doing?" 

"Searching. You see I realized something. And to your shock this trip to my hometown wasn't all so innocent." Now he sounded more like himself. Caring only about himself, "See, you made your magic disappear when you hid it in Mrs. Cuddles, and it hit me. My sneaky little twin sister hid her magic.." Kai continued while clearly pulling something out that scared Bonnie, as her heartbeat picked up a pace. "In this."

"Hm.. it's still there." Bonnie notes while trying to act tough. 

"Still here. And still... full of magic." he acknowledges, while in a second letting out a sigh, "Well, it was. I just sucked it out." he concludes, as Bonnie continues backing away. Okay maybe I should stop faking now? I fake a very pained groan and open my eyes a bit.

"Oh look, she's back." Kai coos in my direction while grabbing the knife from mid-air, holding onto it.

"You have magic again...good for you." Bonnie congratulates while taking a glance at me.

"I also have the ascendant." Kai points out. 

Okay this game again... I stand up and fold my arms in front of myself. "Yes Kai, you do. And I for sure have my temper, so go to the point.." 

"Doesn't matter. You need a Bennett witch to do the spell." Bonnie argues.

 "About that..." Kai trails off, "I've watched you do the spell twice now. I don't think I need a Bennett witch to do the spell. I think all I actually need, is Bennett blood."

Bonnie being a blood donor? No, I don't think so. 

Bonnie stares at him for a second. And only a second she tries to run away, Kai stabs her in the stomach. 

Guessed it.

"Why did you do that?" I ask in annoyance while trying to make my point clear. Biting into my wrist I shove her my hand to drink.

"Oh, no you're not." Kai grabs my arm, pulling me away from her. "Do you really think that I want you to spend your life in a prison, where you won't be able to live your life? And besides as you heard, my daddy is watching you." he breathes in my ear.

He knew??

I scoff, crossing my arms again . "Well, I'm not leaving without Bonnie."

A grin spreads across Kai's face as he twirls the knife between his fingers.

"Don't be stubborn Blair, I don't want to hurt you." He whisper, turning me so our faces are an inch apart.

"As if you could hurt your new crush.." I teased while looking deep into his ocean eyes. 

"Ohh Blair, you wouldn't know." He whispers and a second later snaps my neck. 

--- --- ---

My eyes shoot open, waking up in Kais arms. We were in woods that looked oddly familiar. 

"Nice of you to finally join me Blair. I even got scared that maybe I knocked you out for an entire day.." He spoke while putting me back on my own feet. 

While I tried to get my balance back, I grabbed onto his shirt. "Where the hell are we?"

"Mystic Falls, darling" adjusting me he announced proudly, "We're Home"

"Wha- how? Oh my god... Bonnie?" I was lost of words. He saved me? but... why me?

"I'll answer all of your questions as you will answer some of mine.. But not right now, okay?" He interested me even more, picking up his backpack from the ground, "For now, go back to your friends and I'll take care of my own business." 

"But.. how will I.." "Don't worry, I'll contact you in some way." He winked while kissing my forehead, "Again, for the moment, try not to miss me that much."

With those final words he took off. 

I guess the kiss made me realize some things. I was home

--- --- --- 

It felt weird not walking up to the Salvatore house. Not being in the prison world... The weather was different here. Oh shit, Kai. He doesn't have any money.. he will get cold. 

Wait. No. Why should I care?

I knock on the dorm door and wait for someone to show up. I wonder who it will be...

Smiling like a crazy person I attack my best friend with a hug. God I missed her...

"Is this you? Is this really you Blair?" Caroline muttered in my hair. 

"Yes, oh and you wouldn't believe all the things that have happened to us.." Releasing her I look past her shoulder to see if anyone was inside.

"Us? Where's Bonnie?" Care questioned me again, "I'm sorry... I couldn't do anything. He wouldn't let me take her." 

"Him? as if he is here - here?" She stammered.

"Yeah.. let me tell you all about it" Trailing off I entered the dorm room and took a seat on Elena's bed. "So, grab some wine and let me start from..."


Guess whose back? - back again! 

You know.. if you know, that some trouble is about to unfold. 


Sentimental || Kai ParkerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora