Sweater Weather

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"So basicly what you are saying is.. that you fucked a cute sociopath and left Bonnie all alone, bleeding, with no escape, oh yea and also in Portland?" Caroline questioned me, "Well then at least tell me how was it" ending her statement with a smirk. 

"I don't know.. can't really remember it. When we fuck again I will tell you, okay?" I sigh while hiding a tiny blush.

"Sure sure honey, like you will" 

Caroline being my best friend, knew how to push my buttons well. She was like a sister, that I never got to know.. 

"Lets bet then. If in any way Kai appears tomorrow - I will have sex with him again.. and if not, you'll have to forget all about it. Deal?" My god.. what was I getting myself into.

"Deal! And to seal it - cheers!" I drink the last of my wine and start heading out. 

"Where are you going? Stay here dummy" Care giggled, "There is your bed, go." she grabbed me by both hand and dragged towards empty bed.

Well I guess that solved one or few of my problems.

--- --- ---

Never in my long lived years have I despised smartphones so much..

Groaning I put a pillow on my head to mute out the sounds. 

No luck...

"Blair freaking Spellman! Get your butt up.. we need your help." Caroline spoke right to my left ear. More like growled to be honest. 

"Uhhh... what is it with you people? Can't you notice that I was finally having a good sleep, since the prison world.." I whined while trying to push my legs off of the bed. 

"Sorry babe, but it is some kind of emergency... All I know is that Damon demanded for you to appear in cemetery. Something to do with Alaric and Jo. I think.." The blonde vampire rushed while leaving a suspicious amount of details behind, "Okay go go, run! I too have to meet up my mom near the boarder."

"You mean the oh so holly and magic free boarder to Mystic Falls? It's still there?" I hopped in some skinny jeans and a sweater. 

"Yes and it's honestly super annoying.. Nevermind that! Just go, you are already late!"

Late for what? And also how did Damon know that I was back?

--- --- ---

Getting closer to the place I try to listen..

 "Ah, ah, ah." someone sings, "You missed one. Phesmatos incendia." 

Right.. shit. I'm going to kill Caroline.

There they were. Damon, Elena.. Kai

The fire quickly spreads up Elena's arm, causing my head to look, as she shouts in pain.

"Kai!" I shout out his name, causing him to turn his handsome head in my direction. Shooting me a smile, Kai cautiously listens to his surroundings as Damon vamp-speeds over him, just as he disappears.

Damon picks up a large tree branch, swinging it like a baseball bat, causing Kai to become visible as the branch collides with his body, throwing him over the anti-magic border. He groans in pain, looking up at us as he rises to his feet.

"Huh. I guess this is that- uh, anti-magic border." Kai points down at the ground. "Which means now there's a psycho loose in Mystic Falls, and no vampires around to stop him. Whoops." his eyes lock on mine before he begins away.

Sentimental || Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now