Peek-a-boo.. where are you?

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After breaking that awkward hug I fix my hair, looking everywhere but not at him. Not in his eyes. Hoping to god that the Bennet witch would awake any minute now. 

like now


aaand... Now!

Kai moved back to the desk, where he briefly observed Ascendant pieces still scattered. The silence was torturing. I could hear Kais heartbeat. His every breath. I was thinking about getting out of here until suddenly, the witch  came awake and sat up, glancing over her shoulder to gather her thoughts, thinking where was she.

"Look who's awake," Kai smiled at Bonnie  "How do you feel?"

Bonnie clutched a hand to the wound in her abdomen. "Like you shot me with an arrow."

"Right," Kai said flatly. He resumed fiddling with the Ascendant pieces. "Anywho, I have no idea how you managed to shatter the Ascendant in a billion pieces, but we need to put it back together before the eclipse at 12:28. You wanna help? Blair here, is ignoring me, like usual.. Ya know because we shared a deep and meaningful moment together." Parker tilted his head at me before looking at Bonnie again "But I know you're a puzzle person right."

"I don't want to help," Bonnie said fiercely, struggling to stand. I grasped her by the elbow and helped her while Kai watched us indifferently. " You're a psychopath. This place is your prison. I'm not letting you out. Besides, you'll just kill me and Blair the minute we get out." Bonnie continued. This whole speech time I had kept my eyes on Kai's face, closely observing as his eyes dropped to the floor after "psychopath" and the way his eye twitched at the mention of his killing both of them, and I kind of  knew that's probably what he wanted to do now at this moment. Grabbing Bonnie's arm I pulled her away from the couch and closer to the exit archway, trying to put more distance between both me and Kai as he rose with purpose.

"My bad.. I forgot that you've been through a trauma," he started, coming towards us while I glared at him. "Your memory's probably a little fuzzy right now. So you might be thinking that your magic can protect you. But all I have to do-" he broke off, grabbing Bonnie's wrist. She let out a groan. "-is hold your hand and your magic becomes mine," he finished. Bonnie had become immobile, whimpering. Kai further taunted her, putting his ear to gasping mouth, as she tried to pull back. "Wait, what's that? Huh, what? You're gonna do the spell and finally get us home?"

I could feel my head getting hotter. The way he was using her. Again. Like he tried to do it to me. At that point I could feel my eyes burning. Grabbing him by the throat and while lightly pressing on his artery I turn his head, making him look at me. "Don't touch her Malachai." 

"How do you-... Oh my go.. your eyes.." Kai whimpered. He sounded like death. Like he knew me or who I was. Wasting no time I pushed my free hand into his chest reaching for his heart. 

If he even had one

Only to be stopped by Bonnie squeezing my shoulder. "Blair, honey. Don't do this. Even if he can't die here, it doesn't mean that doing so won't change you" Blinking a few times I realize what was I about to do. "Let me, while you get the ascendant." 

Bonnie has spotted the letter opener on the end table. She bought the letter opener down hard on Kai's jugular, before he could even react. He grunted loudly, reaching up instinctively as the blood came gushing out. He fell sideways onto the rug, in between the couches, letting out more grunts. Grabbing Kai's backpack I swept the Ascendant pieces into it. Kai looked pitiful and helpless to Bon, as he held one bloody hand to his wound, trying futilely to stop his impeding temporary death, unable to even speak. 

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