chapter five: welcome to my shop..!

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I wanna stay in my house all day and write fanfiction, but responsibilities hunt me down-

(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The frost seems to cover the muddy ground, step by step it makes a disgusting wet sound, yet is still somehow frozen enough to be slippery on my shoes.

"...feeling better?"
I ask, Iris just stares at me, still shifting and whining...he has to he cold, that's probably why he's so pissy.

Its just me, the backpack, and little baby Iris...i lost my phone in the car that must be at the bottom of the river by now, fuck, that was Markus' car...if he's still around, he's gonna be pissed.

I come face to face with a metal gate, a carving of a...a crow? Im not sure, its messily made and there's scratches all over it.

"Hm...what do you think? Should we go in the weird door?"
I ask, although its directed to Iris, its more or less just me speaking to myself. Iris makes a little grunting noise, then stares at me.

"...please don't tell me you shit yourself."
I mumble, Iris just stares...then the smell comes.

"Fucking christ! You did...!"
I gag, holding the baby away and in the air, Iris kicks his feet and does a little laugh, showing his toothless little smile...that's a comfort, little toothless baby smiles are a good comfort.

"Alright, let's go in and hope there's a table to change you at...little smelly chub."
I say, holding him to my chest again, his big forehead bobs as his eyes wander around the area, i guess he's finally more awake now...or at least more energetic.

I push open the door, and with a loud, ear ringing creak, it opens to reveal an entirely new area...chickens, an old truck, the windmill..and a building up the dirt trail, maybe somebody is up there..

"Hey, look there, chub, think somebody's there?"
I ask, Iris once again doesn't respond and continues to look all over the place..i can smell his diaper more every second.

I go into the new area, closing the creaking door behind me and walking off to the building, the half-frost half-mud still remains a nerve wrecking problem for my shoes, but it seems less a problem over here, maybe because more people walk and pack down the mud? Maybe.

We make it up the dirt trail and at the door of the building, when i go to knock on it, the door just...opens, there was no lock. I move inside to escape the cold and see nothing but a machine, with bright buttons of orange, blue, black, and white, the window beside the machine shows..water. Just water, some waterlogged homes as well....maybe this flooded a long time ago?

I mumble, staring out into the cold water me and Iris may have just been in..i swear i see something move in it...maybe just fish, yeah...a fish.

A knock somewhere in the building snaps me out of my thoughts and into panic, when i turn around, ready to see one of those things again...i spot somebody through a small barred window, it looks like..a large man, sitting in there.

I mumble, he doesn't answer...can he hear me? Is he stuck in there?

I slowly walk towards the door leading to the room he's in, expecting something bad to happen once i open it...who knows what he's doing in there, but if he's just a normal man, and not tied to those creatures...i can sure use his help in getting back to the road...if i can get back to it that is.

"Hello? Are you okay?"
I ask, opening the door, the large man looks at me and smiles in a both welcoming, yet frightening way.

"Ah, welcome! I haven't seen you before, im guessing you are new to this area..?"
The man asks.

He seems...strange, scary and trusting at the same time, and for some reason that puts me off..

"Uh...Yeah, me and this kid here crashed...into the River..."
I say, trying to be hasty with details...i still feel sceptical, but his voice puts me a little more at ease, he sounds cheery and calming at the same time.

"Oh, you must be freezing, who knows how cold the water here is at this time of your child alright?"
The man asks...he really thinks Iris is my kid, huh? I guess that makes sense, why else would i have a small baby?

"Yeah, just a little cold...although i have to change a dirty diaper in a second."
I say, he lets out a booming laugh, yet somehow it doesn't scare me like it would have before...maybe he seems to friendly to be scared of now.

"Infants are the worst smelling of us all, i must say..."
He chuckles.

"You can say that again..but i think the diapers and wipes probably drowned in the River."
I say...most things in the bad probably got ruined by the River, but things like the formula and bottles are most likely okay, since the bottles can have water and the thing that holds the formula is air tight.

"You're problem may not be as bad as you think, as i am a merchant of sorts, i can give you some help for your child, on the house, call it a...a first visit gift!"
The man says, reaching somewhere to his side, although what he is grabbing is blocked off by the table in front of him.

"Oh...well, thank you."
I say...i guess its good i walked in here.

"Anything specific you're looking for?"
The man asks.

"Diapers, maybe baby clothing too, but that's probably all i need right now."
I say.

The man pulls up a fairly big chest, opening it and pulling out contents, he pulls out a diaper, a small blanket, and a...wooden bat toy?

"You don't need to give me the toy, sir, im not sure the baby would play with it anyways."
I say, he puts the chest back down where it was.

"Nonetheless, its carved in remembrance of a story told to our children, you can call it a bonus gift if you feel selfish in taking it, but i assure you that i am more than happy to give your child something to remember this time by."
The man says, still holding the welcoming smile.

"Well...thank you, a lot, i didn't expect the locals to be so kind to us."
I say, chuckling a bit.

"Not all of us are, but if you find the right people, you'll be fine."
The man says.

I grab the contents on the table, holding them close beside Iris.

"Thank you again, this will probably make walking around in the cold a lot easier for him."
I say.

"The pleasure is all mine, take care, i wouldn't want my newest customer to get hurt..!"
The man says, i smile and turn back, walking out.

I leave the building and walk towards the old truck, sitting Iris on the blanket and sitting the blanket on the trucks seat. Readying the new diaper, i undo his little onesie.

"That man was really nice, wasn't he, chub?"
I say, Iris coos and waves his arms to his sides, stretching, he's probably glad to be out of my arms after all that.

I set the old diaper and wet onesie aside and pull on the new one diaper, then i just wrap the small blanket around Iris and pick him up again, he reaches one of his chubby little hands out for the wooden bat toy, when i give it to him, he starts to bite it with his toothless he teething? Do babies teeth this young?

"You seem happier."
I say, smiling.

Alright...lets keep going.

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