Chapter 01

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This year-middle of August

"I know Jazlyn has that thing at school." Rowdy began, "How about I drop you at the café? Ebony can pick you up there so you don't miss it. I can drive out to the hospital on my own. I'm just taking a statement before heading back anyway."

"Thanks man. I missed the parents-only dress rehearsal that the kids did. Jazlyn would be heartbroken if I missed this too."

"No problem. I could stand a cup of joe anyway."

"Won't that keep you up all night?"

"Nope." Rowdy grinned. "My name is Rowdy Baker and I am a caffeine addict."

"You've been pulling extra shifts since your mom..." Dennis paused, and then in typical Dennis fashion, switched topic. "You think I should bring my little actress flowers?"

"Sure. I bet she'd love that. Know what, let's drive by Baker House first. I've been keeping Mama's gardens up and I bet you could find something nice. There are vases in the garden shed on the shelves. Mom always kept them out there so she could keep her flowers fresh as she cut them. I miss the fresh flowers in the house, but I don't have the knack for bouquets."

"I don't doubt it." Dennis muttered.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Want me to spell it out for you...Picasso?"

"Ok. So, I'm not the creative type."


"Yeah, yeah." Rowdy chuckled. "I can't draw a straight line and I might as well be color blind for all the good it does me. But I'm pretty handy with hammer."

"True. And you could run. Man could you run..."

"Could?" Rowdy raised a brow as he turned down the old country road that would lead them past Baker House. "As in past tense? You don't think I can run now?"

"Face it. You're getting old... and soft. I bet Jazlyn could outrun you. And she's 5."

"I see how it is...Twinkle Toes."

"Hey, Coach said ballet would help me with my coordination. I can't help it if I was good at it."

"I don't suppose the fact that Ebony was among your groupies, gawking at you in your tights..."

Dennis grinned. "It worked, didn't it?"

Rowdy laughed. Ebony and Dennis fell in love in high school and just never fell out again. They were numbered among the lucky ones, like his parents, who found true love. Rowdy was, if he was honest with himself, just a tiny bit envious.

Ashley was his high school sweetheart. They actually started going out in middle school and he proposed after graduation, before he left for bootcamp. She said yes, but didn't want to get married until he came home to stay. She would wait for him.

Or so he thought until the Dear John letter came less than a year later.

Since then, he only dated casually. He was just gun-shy at first, but then he never got serious because no one...sparked.


"Sorry. What?"

"Never mind." Dennis shrugged as they turned into the drive and stopped by the flower beds.


Rowdy took another sip of the coffee and set the to-go cup in the holder. He preferred driving with two hands on the wheel, but sometimes...

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