Chapter 35

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Winchester went to the door and whined. Brody went to the door, plopped down next to the dog, and cried. Suzie went at once to comfort him, but try as she might, Brody would not be soothed.

"Why don't we follow them? You can say goodbye to Christy and Brody will get to be with his new little friend."

"Thank you, Jack." Suzie hurried to get Brody bundled into his snowsuit and grabbed the diaper bag that she always kept packed and ready from the laundry room. She handed Jack the diaper bag and told him to grab Brody while she shrugged into her coat.

Winchester didn't want to be left behind.

"Sorry boy." Suz pushed him back inside as she closed the door. "You can't go where we are going."


Rowdy walked out of the room after the paperwork was signed and felt...

If there was a word for the feeling, he couldn't think of it at the moment.

It was a strange feeling, strange to him.

Although, considering his service overseas, and in the department, being responsible for another life shouldn't be so foreign.

But now he was responsible for the care and well-being of a little child. James Anthony Baker was his child now. He was the man that Jimmy would grow up calling Daddy. Even stranger than the responsibility was the fact that this new title didn't frighten him. He supposed he had Brody to thank for that.

These past months of caring for the boy had reminded him just how much he'd wanted kids someday. Rowdy chuckled as he made his way to the truck.

Someday was here.

He always thought he would find a wife first, but Jimmy needed him now. For that matter Brody needed him now...and for the foreseeable future.

The future...

Now there was a subject worth pondering.

Rowdy stopped next to the truck, his keys in hand and cast his eyes toward the heavens as he made a promise.

If—No. When—they caught this psychotic robber that was such a danger to Suz, he would have a nice long talk with her. She needed to understand that he intended to keep taking care of her and Brody, but not just as the police officer assigned protection detail. She needed to know that he loved her.

He believed that she cared for him. And he believed that she could love him, if she didn't already. He would do whatever it took to make her believe it too.

But first he just needed to keep them safe.

With a sigh, he pressed the unlock button on the key-fob and opened the door. Just as he shut the door, his cell rang.

"Dennis!" Rowdy started. "You're the first to know. I'm a daddy!"

"Where in the hell are you?"

"I'm in the truck. I'm just leaving Bill's. I should be home in...half an hour. I want to stop and—"

"Why didn't you call and tell me they'd moved the meeting from Masonville?"

"The meeting was never scheduled for Masonville, Dennis. I guess I forgot to tell you, they used Bill's conference room."

"Did you see Jack this morning?"

"Yeah. I ran into him at the gas station."

"Did you tell him to stay with Suz so that I could bring Baby Boy to the meeting in Masonville?"

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