Chapter 14

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"No. Ger told me that if I worked here tonight, she won't let me work tomorrow so that I can rest up."

"That was really nice of her, but then, Ger is a living breathing Cadbury Egg."

"Tim!" Suzie chided. "That isn't nice at all!"

"That came out wrong." Tim shrugged. "What I meant was that she's all hard on the outside, but soft and gooey on the inside."

"And sweet through and through." Suzie chuckled as she shut the drawer that held her purse. "Lord I wish I had more energy. I don't cough anymore, but I think my gumption decided to stay home under the covers!"

"I got you." Tim grinned as he nodded toward the bar.

Suzie followed warily and watched as he did his thing—spinning, splashing, tipping, clanking, tossing, shaking—and finally he sat a drink down in front of her. Two, actually. A whiskey glass about 2/3 full and a shot glass.

"You know it's against the rules..."

"I won't tell if you don't." Tim shrugged. "Once in a while doesn't hurt. One drink will not make you drunk, but this particular drink will bring your gumption back."

"Ok, which one."


She gave him a look, which he acknowledged with a wink.

"Take the bigger one in your the smaller one in your other hand."

"Double fisting?"

"Not quite." Tim's grin grew. "Bombing. Take a deep breath, drop the small glass in the big glass and then drink it all down at once."


Suzie thought maybe Tim finally lost it. But then again, he was the bartender.

—an award winning and title-holding bartender, actually.

Slowly shaking her head, she did as he instructed and felt the burn.

With a gasp she twisted up her face and clanked the glasses on the bar.

"That was awful! You didn't tell me it was going to taste like licorice!"

"Didn't think it was important." Tim gave her that crooked grin and she couldn't help but return it. "Give it about two minutes and you will get that gumption back."

Suzie gave him a look and crossed out to start her night. She hadn't crossed the bar twice before she felt the spring returning to her step.

"And then some." She winked at Tim as she placed another drink order.

"Told you so." He said as he set two chilled mugs of beer on her tray.

"What was that?" She asked before he could turn away.

"Jaeger Bomb: Red Bull and Jaeger."

"That explains the wings!" She laughed as she spun around and floated away.

About an hour later things really got swinging when nearly twenty men came in. They were not from around town, though Suzie had seen a few of them in the café from time to time."

"They're working on the big mansion. They usually prefer Masonville, but I guess they decided to slum it here this weekend." Cherry explained.

"Hopefully they are big tippers." Suzie leaned in to avoid being overheard.

Cherry shook her head. Suzie frowned.

Ah well. At least she was finally feeling like herself.

Evans Creek Book 2: In Good HandsWhere stories live. Discover now