Chapter 09

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"What for?" Suzie asked.

"I wish there was more that I could do. But honestly, Suzie." Rowdy started, "What Jack said at the hospital was right. You're a part of our little community now. Everyone thinks the world of you and that little boy of yours. And those guys..." Rowdy shrugged. "Forget them."

"I'll try."


The next night, Suzie was second guessing her second job.

There had to be something else...

"Hi Suzie." Cherry greeted as soon as Suzie poked her head in the back door. "I was worried you might not come. Listen, I heard about those losers. Forget them. There's always going to be a bad apple or two in every bunch. Besides, Tim tells me they were so drunk he smelled them ten feet away. I bet they don't even remember last night."

"Rowdy told me something similar. It's not so much what they said. I mean, I do dress..."

"You dress like a waitress at a bar. Which is what you are. It's decent work, and you're a decent gal, Suzie. We all love know that, right?"

"Yeah. Thanks Cherry." Suzie smiled as she put her purse in the bottom drawer of the file cabinet that Dale left empty for that purpose. "Tell Dale and Tim I said thanks too."

"Anytime." Cherry returned the smile. "Now get to work. We're even busier than last night."

"More Lookie-Loos?" Suzie frowned as she tied on her apron.

"Not exactly." Cherry smiled and Suzie did a double take.

What was she up to?

Suzie shrugged and hurried into the bar. It was crowded, but she stopped as soon as she got a look at her section. Her entire section was full. Betsy sat in a booth with her older daughter, Jenny, and Brody. Dennis and his family sat with Betsy's younger daughter in a second booth. And Moira, her partner Jeff, Roger the sketch artist, and Rowdy sat at a nearby table.

"I don't understand." Suzie said looking to Cherry. "Is it someone's birthday?"

"No. They're here for you, Suzie." Cherry took Suzie's hands between her own. "We all are. Now, they can't stay long because the kids all need to be gone by 10. We wanted you to know that, no matter what happens, you have friends."

"Thank you." Suzie's eyes teared up. "I don't know what to say...."


Suzie never enjoyed her shift so much. She was a little disappointed when Betsy asked for her check.

"I have to get the kids home. I'll make sure Jenny and Brody get upstairs and are locked in for the night before I leave. You just keep your chin up."

"It's hard to believe it's 10:00 already." Suzie said as she took Betsy's credit card. "It seems like the shift just started."

"It's closer to 10:30, but there were cops here, so Dale figured it would be okay to let it go a little late." Betsy explained before she shooed Suzie away.

A few minutes later, Suzie returned with the card and the receipt.

"Thanks Betsy." Suzie tucked the signed copy in her apron and hugged her friend. "I mean it."

"It wasn't my idea. I just thought it was a good one." Betsy winked and Suzie watched as they left.

Dennis followed them a minute later, carrying Jazlyn on his shoulder. Ebony stayed back stacking up dishes while she waited to pay the tab.

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