Epilogue Part One

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Seven Years Later


"Jimmy, please." Suzie scolded, "Don't yell n te house. I told you to GO GET your brother."

"Sorry Mom."

Something in his voice made her look up and she was in time to catch the signature Baker Boy grin.

The one that all three of them used when they were about to do something they knew that they probably shouldn't but hoped they were cute enough to get away with anyhow.

She wasn't wrong.

A second later, Jimmy charged up the stairs. The eight-year-old boy managed to sound like a herd of elephants was pounding through the house. The dog was on his heels barking wildly, thinking this was a new game. That's when Suzie noticed Stormy and had to bite her lip to keep from laughing.

Stormy stood at the base of the stairs with a frown and a pout as she stared at the ceiling with her hands on her hips.

Good Lord! Is that what she looked like when the boys weren't going to bed like they should? No wonder Marc always looked like he was trying not to laugh.

"Stormy, honey?" Suzie heard the humor in her voice and cleared her throat. "What's wrong?"

"They not listening. You said hoowee up. I tell them Mama said hoowee up." Stormy dipped her chin with finality upon the completion of her announcement.

Suzie watched as she grabbed a spindle on the railing and started the climb.

They gave up on the baby gates last year. Stormy just climbed over them anyway. Already the little climber was halfway up the stairs.

At least she was using the hand railing.

That was just one of many Baker House Rules.

Not to mention the oft ignored: Don't run in the house, don't yell in the house and don't bite the dog.

Suzie smiled as she bent to open a cabinet and find her nemesis. She'd just set the plastic wrap on the counter when the boys came running down the stairs. Winchester barked and she looked up.

Brody led the way, his hand skimming along the railing in token observance of the rules. Jimmy was next, ignoring the handrail in favor of holding tightly to his sister as he carried her piggy-back. Stormy held a fistful of Jimmy's wild curls with one hand, while she leaned and let her fingers skim along the railing on the way down.

Suzie chuckled as the dog followed rather impatiently behind. Saturdays usually meant playtime.

But today Arayna recruited Suzie to help make up care boxes with the items they'd collected on the charity drive for families in need.

"Can I help mom?" Brody gave her the Baker Boy grin and she couldn't help but smile as she handed over the plastic wrap.

Marc and Brody had a magic touch with the awful stuff.

"Thanks. There's the plate of brownies ready, and if you want to, you can make up a plate of the Christmas cookies that we made yesterday."

"What about me?" Jimmy asked as Stormy slid off his back.

"You," Suzie ruffled his hair and getting a bright smile in return, "You can help me—"

Winchester barked wildly and ran to the back door with Stormy running on her chubby little legs after him.

"Honey, I'm home!" Rowdy opened the door and laughed as the dog jumped up.

"Daddy!" Stormy's little voice, filled with so much affection, never failed to touch Suzie's heart.

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