Chapter 33

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"Oh. No. I came to ask about night school options. I need a better job and I think I need to start with a diploma. Or in my case, the equivalent."

"Night School? You'd have to find something online or drive to Masonville for the classes. Evans Creek doesn't have anything like that. But we should have the mayor over for dinner. That would be a good idea to present to him."

"I can't talk to the mayor!"

"Sure, you can. He's a real stand-up kind of guy. I bet him and his mom would be happy to come to dinner. It's been a while since he's been at Baker House." Rowdy chuckled.

"You are friends with the mayor. Why doesn't this surprise me?" Suzie shook her head and smiled. "I just can't get over how great this town is. Everyone is either a friend, or family, or a friend that is like family."

"Pretty much. Don't get me wrong. Every town has its rotten apples and Evans Creek is no exception. Well, Mrs. Olsen may not be completely rotten, but she is definitely a bad apple."

"You shouldn't talk about old people like that. You'll be a grumpy old man one day."

"Grumpy, maybe. But I hope I'm never spiteful and mean. She isn't happy unless—"

"Rowdy..." Suzie cautioned.

"So..." He shrugged. Taking the hint, he changed the subject. "A better job?"

"Yeah. Better pay would be great, but what I really need is a job with benefits."

"Good idea. Especially with Brody growing so fast. He's going to start climbing over that baby gate and then we'll have our hands full."


"You plan on moving?"

"Maybe?" She sighed and sank onto a stool at the island. "The thing is, I don't know what to do anymore. I can't move back to the apartment over Dale's..."

Suzie liked living in Baker House. She liked Rowdy...a lot...but...

She sighed. "I talked with Jenn Gates but there isn't another place to rent at the moment. I thought that if a place becomes available..."

"You'll move?" Rowdy pried gently, though the words caught in his throat like burrs. He loved having Suz around. He adored Brody. And when he heard the CPS worker hesitated over leaving Baby Boy with Suz, he jumped right in. A police officer could take temporary custody.

His idea had been to keep Baby Boy with Suz and Brody, but it never occurred to him that they would be together...somewhere else.

"I should?" she shrugged. "I don't think that CPS will let me keep Baby Boy unless I am established. I need to show them I can take care of two children."

"You're really serious about this. What makes you so certain?"

"As a heart attack." Suzie snapped, her eyes blazing with passion, "I've never been more certain about a thing in my life. But I don't know if I can explain it so that you would understand."

"Try me."

"You grew up in the same town, in the same house even, with a family that loved you."

"Still here." He gave a smile and a shrug.

He hoped to lighten the tension that settled over her, but she only seemed more pensive. After a few more minutes of strained silence, he spoke.

"I know how lucky I am, Suz. Police officer, remember. I've seen children lose their parents unexpectedly." She gave him a doubtful look, so he added. "House fire and car accident. I've also seen children taken away a family that they were better off without.

Evans Creek Book 2: In Good HandsWhere stories live. Discover now